It's not easy to retire with a cup of coffee.

Hello HIVE friends in this community. Do you know how it feels to retire from a habit that has been built and then sadistically thrown away because of a situation that requires us to abandon that habit. And that's what happened to me about the story of a coffee. Where coffee is my loyal friend, who always accompanies me without arguing with anything, increasing the energy in my eyes to be able to stay up late to complete unfinished work. Even when my wife was asleep, coffee still accompanied me very faithfully, but 2 years ago a bad incident happened to me where I experienced quite severe stomach acid and I was forbidden to drink coffee.

Once after several months I recovered from my stomach acid, I returned to consuming coffee but it didn't take long before I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, even though the coffee I drank was real black coffee, not sachet coffee or a mixture. And this situation really disrupted my activities so I decided to no longer consume coffee, I even threw away all my coffee collection because no one drank it, including my wife, who doesn't like coffee at all.

Now, after two years of recovering from stomach acid, I am trying to drink a cup of coffee again, but not at home or in my city. I enjoyed a cup of coffee at a café in the mountain area. And the natural scenery here makes me feel very at home. And this café not only offers natural views of Mount Merapi Sinabung, but also the price of coffee here is very cheap. And we can stay for a long time in this place without incurring additional costs because there is no value added tax in this place. You can imagine that the black coffee I drink costs IDR. 7,000 or the equivalent of 0.4364 U$ dollars. And this coffee is served with boiling water, but we have to rush to finish it because the mountain winds which tend to be cold make the hot coffee cool quickly.

And one more thing that makes me feel at home in this café is that this coffee comes from coffee beans that are processed directly by the local community. In fact, around this café there are many local coffee plantations which are quite large so the coffee here is all still fresh and one more thing. After I tried one cup of this coffee and slowly finished it until the coffee was a little cold, it turned out that my stomach acid did not recur. Is it possible because I drink this coffee in a state that really feels relaxed and at one with nature without being burdened by existing work? But even so, I also won't drink coffee as often as before.

Oh yes, the name of the café I went to is Sapo Butar Café which is located in Karo Regency, North Sumatra province, Indonesia.

Greetings from Tomidiwirja, Indonesia

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It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976

Every day, I drink 4 shots of espresso without thinking. I'm addicted to coffee.😀

you are still healthy. I can't drink any coffee anymore. My stomach ache immediately flared up when I drank coffee

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