My mug, movies and I

I usually have coffee in a particular mug. For as long as I can remember, I've mostly had coffee using that mug. I guess it has become a habit.


When I was a young boy, my parents made coffee for my siblings and I every morning before we went to school. Coffee has become my favorite thing. When my dad saw how much I loved coffee, he got me my own special mug. As simple a gift as it was, it really meant a lot to me.


Having coffee in that mug always feels right. Somehow, it just keeps the temperature right. I guess it's now a habit for me to have coffee in that mug. I can say that for me, the mug helps me enjoy my coffee to the fullest. It has been for years now. Sometimes when I'm traveling, and I would be away for a while, I take the mug with me. I have indeed grown an attachment to it, and why not?


It reminds me of my childhood. It's a constant reminder of those mornings before I went to school as a kid. It's also a constant reminder of my father's gesture. A gesture I would always cherish.

One activity which also helps me enjoy my coffee to the maximum is watching movies. It's almost like a default setting. So while I have my coffee, I like to put on a movie. I'm a big fan of movies. It's always great to enjoy a cup of coffee while doing something I love.

Watching a movie while having a cup of coffee makes the experience even better, especially if it's a very interesting movie. That way I'm doing two things I love at the same time. I get to absorb every action, every suspense-filled moment, every plot twist that goes on in the movie while I take sips of my coffee.

Tell me, what could be better than that?

The movie engages my mind while I drink. In a way, it makes me not rush the coffee. Thus, making it a prolonged, enjoyable experience. If, by some circumstance, I have coffee without a movie, I have to engage my eyes with something interesting and captivating.

So taking coffee from my favourite mug while watching a movie is something I always look forward to. When I start my day that way, it usually puts me in a great mood, and the rest of the day turns out to be a cheerful one. If you haven't tried it before, you should try it, and before you know it, you will see yourself effortlessly doing it often. It's a habit that is easy to form. One that could help ease stress.

Images are mine


Your mug looks good and I love the colour, I am glad that you are a coffee lover and this is your way of enjoying coffee

Thank you. I'm glad you love the color of my mug

Someone should please tell me what it is with brown mugs and coffee. They just seem to have some good chemistry. I like your mug and i understand your sentimental attachnent to it.

I used to own a speacial mug, not a brown-colored one though, but it got broken and i felt so terrible at the time.

What movies and coffee does to hou is what reading a nobel and coffee does to me. Theres just a feeling of ecstacy which i can not adequately explain. And i like it so well, as it is.

I know right? Brown mugs and coffee are just a perfect match.

Sorry about you special mug that broke. That's the sad thing about mugs.

It's nice to know you like to read novels while taking coffee.

 last month  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.