Wonderful time un a great coffeeshop


A warm greeting to all of us who are coffee lovers in this #cinnamoncupcoffee community.

Coffee shops are nice places that I visit frequently where I spend a great time, when I get to this place I observe many things that are ideal to consume, stay and enjoy this moment, as I will reveal today in my content, and is the question of this week of this initiative is What are some of the first things you notice when you enter a coffee shop?

I have visited many coffee shops that have impressed me and I have loved them since I met her, is when I return very excited to visit, I consider myself very observant in this, because if I am going to consume a food the place must be impeccable, that is the first thing, this generates me confidence and tranquility.

In addition there has to be excellent attention where I feel at home, a cafeteria is a place to relax and indulge in our coffee and other foods, a person who serves you what you are going to consume this has to be friendly and a pleasant mood, this is noticeable from the moment you enter a cafeteria.

I like quiet places, where there is no hustle and bustle and where my well-being is guaranteed, so I take this detail into account.
I am one of those people that if I go to a place that doesn't have these requirements I don't have to stay there.

On this occasion, I returned to Olivas, which is a nice and impeccable cafeteria, the attention is excellent, and meets many requirements that I observe, I ordered a Latte without sugar accompanied by a chocolate dessert, while waiting for my order I greeted my companions @mafalda2018 and @dorytagil2022, which were to enjoy in this cafeteria.

This place offers a variety of coffee drinks, breakfasts, lunches and desserts, it has an area for children where they can play while we are drinking and chatting. My coffee was delicious, the touch of vanilla gives it a softness and it's perfect to go with a dessert, I noticed a lot of quality, it's another thing that I take into account when visiting a coffee shop in my lifestyle as a faithful coffee lover.

I found this contest The Coffee Shop Prompt: No. 64 brought to us by the @cinnccf team and I was interested in participating, inviting my friends to this contest @angelica7 @petrarodriguez.

The Coffee Shop Prompt Week 64


Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @wendyth16

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL


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Amiga me encanta leer tus post sobre el café, eso sí se llama ser amante del café con buen gusto.

Hola amiga, gracias por tu cariño, si bien sabes lo que encanta el café. saludos

An ideal place to enjoy a good coffee, despite being located in a cafeteria in a food fair is really very quiet and harmonious, the attention wonderful and their coffee and desserts are quality. Good enjoyment and good company. Greetings sister

Hola linda, así es un lugar hermoso que tiene excelente atención y buen café. Un abrazo mana

 29 days ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

This cafeteria looks very nice, the dessert and coffee look delicious, I haven't visited it yet, I hope to do so soon and enjoy its benefits

si mi linda, vaya a disfrutarla, el lugar es acogedor. saludos

I will try to go, thank you for your kindness, greetings 🤗🥰

Nothing better than a good cup of coffee, enjoy it, feel it and love it. The most important thing is to feel that it is relevant to you, and defines you.

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Thanks a Lot My friend

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