The warmth of a cup of tea and the freshness of a cold cup of green tea

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

Hi everyone



every morning, after I eat breakfast I always provide warm tea to complement in the morning, the warmth in a cup of tea makes me feel calm, warm tea is very suitable to be enjoyed in the morning, I feel more refreshed through the day with a cup of tea and coffee, sometimes the heart's desire to enjoy coffee is defeated by the warmth of tea...

Tea leaf processing

The tea that is picked from this farming plant is processed in a very simple way, after the tea leaf shoots are picked, then the green color is removed from the leaves and dried in the sun and then entered into the formation process to become tea powder, then sold at the shop. coffee, many people enjoy tea when the weather is cold at their favorite coffee shop




in the middle of a very hot day a glass of cold green tea can make the atmosphere fresher, green tea is also good for health because its authenticity is guaranteed to be good, I often enjoy a glass of cold green tea during the day because that time is very suitable for the natural conditions that hot during the day, I often feel the freshness....

ACEH Noodles


Aceh noodles are very famous and delicious among the people of Aceh, I like ifu noodles with tools or processed by Acehnese people, that's where the name Aceh noodles comes from, noodles flavored with tools from Aceh make Aceh noodles unique to the community, ifu noodles are very delicious especially if accompanied by a glass of cold green tea, a pleasure that is second to none for me, noodles are a substitute for rice or staple food for me

All the pictures above are mine personally which I took using my personal android phone, and thank you very much for all of your support and help 🙏🤗♥️