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RE: [] User page

in dev2 years ago

Good morning friend, I was reading a little bit and I find it quite interesting. People nowadays have to make a lot of decisions in their daily life and if a software can help them in this, it is something revolutionary.

I have a trusted friend who is also a mathematician, if you need us to check something or anything we can work it out.


It's very interesting to find someone to work with. I'm currently testing algorithms and bots, and it's going to be a long one. If we communicate with each other, we may be able to do something together. If there is anything new, I will always share it on the blog.

It's great, I'm at your service, when you want to check it and we'll check it out.

My discord user, Yonnathang - [ HispaPro ]#7352

On telegram, @yonnathang