Bitcoin: Currency of the Future or Digital Gold? Two gems present in the globalist financial landscape.

in Archives Token Funds10 months ago (edited)

Bitcoin: Currency of the Future or Digital Gold? Two gems present in the globalist financial landscape.

The crypto market started with Bitcoin ~ we probably wouldn't be here if a certain Satoshi Nakamoto hadn't invented this and written the Bitcoin Whitepaper. Yep, if we carefully analyze the Witepaper Bitcoin, we will notice that in general we will discover 3 main points ( Problem - Solution and ofcourse The Power of Blockchain ).


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Only if we refer to the ~ Problem ~ Withepaper Bitcoin begins to identify the problem it is trying to solve. That is, the lack of trust in electronic payment systems. In general, the Bitcoin Withepaper argues that traditional payment systems are prone to fraud, require a trusted third party and are expensive to use.

Let's go ahead and stop at ~ The solution presented by that extravagant Withepaper of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Here we will note that the Bitcoin method proposes a solution to this problem in the form of a peer-to-peer electronic number system. This system allows users to send and receive payments without the need for a specific trusted third party. Yep, and finally we get to Blockchain.

@reneyasmany ~ i hope you don't mind the notification you received - I think maybe what you're about to read...maybe it will really answer that question you posed on #Reverio


Could bitcoin become the currency of the future?

Through this #Hive blog post, i don't want to try to explain what the #Bitcoin Whitepaper and the #Blockchain #technology of this digital asset present, but it is an elaboration of an answer i gave on the #Reverio platform regarding a small comparison between #Bitcoin and #Gold that i exhibited a few days ago.

Hodl you're treasure.

Both, #Bitcoin and #Gold are considered valuable assets, but they have different characteristics and uses. By comparing the two, i propose to present a generalist analysis and highlight the distinctive aspects of each.


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Bitcoin is a decentralized digital cryptocurrency introduced in 2009 that is based on Blockchain technology. Its main features include the ability to transfer money quickly and globally, as well as financial autonomy. Bitcoin has gained popularity in recent years as a form of investment and is seen by some as a potential future of the currency.

On the other hand, Gold has a long history as a precious metal and is valued for its stable value and resistance to inflation. Gold is used in jewelry, decorative objects, in the technological industry and has a constant demand in various fields.

In general, personal opinions regarding Bitcoin cryptocurrency are diverse and reflect a wide range of perceptions and interpretations. As far as i'm concerned, i don't think Bitcoin will be considered the currency of the future. I believe it is important to look at Bitcoin exactly as we look at gold today, as a valuable asset with unique characteristics.

Both goods are currently hard to extract or better said ~ hard to produce (resources - a lot of resources). Looking at the turmoil created in the European area due to the seemingly never-ending conflict between Russia and Ukraine, many people choose to see Bitcoin as a safe investment and a haven, in a similar way to gold, which has always been perceived as a valuable shelter in times of crisis. uncertainty. That's exactly what i meant with that personal comment i made a few days ago.


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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has generated tension and uncertainty in the region and impacted financial markets and investor sentiment. In such tumultuous times, many look for assets that provide protection and stability in the face of geopolitical turbulence. Both Bitcoin and gold are considered by many peoples, to be attractive options in this regard.

Bitcoin has gained popularity as a cryptocurrency that works on the basis of blockchain technology and is known for its unique features such as decentralization and anonymity. Bitcoin is perceived by many investors as an alternative to traditional currencies and the existing banking system, giving them control and autonomy over their own funds. In the context of geopolitical tensions, many believe that Bitcoin can provide protection against the devaluation of national currencies and the risks associated with political instability.

P S - Regardless of what will happen in the future (negativity or various positive events that you will experience) my recommendation is not to sell any small part of the Bitcoin that you managed to accumulate in your portfolio - will continue to grow over the next two years. I personally am 100% convinced that Bitcoin will end up passing the value of over 100K.

#Bitcoin started generating interest in the concept of financial autonomy. While banks and governments have traditionally controlled #currencies and money flows, Bitcoin seamlessly allows each user to have full control over their own #funds. Bitcoin also offers the ability to conduct fast and global #transactions, removing the barriers associated with cross-border transactions and international transfers. In general, it is the main asset that pushes enormously towards evolution. Blockchain technology, which is the basis of Bitcoin, has vast potential and is likely to change the way we interact with various business environments.

Regardless of the bans that will be imposed in the near future in certain states, regardless of the regulations that will be approved globally regarding the transactions or the possession of such a digital asset ~ as long as you keep your digital treasure safe....everything will be well. ~ Cheers 🙋📈👀