-Blessings after blessings!πŸ™πŸ˜‡

in SublimeSunday β€’ last year (edited)

-Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you are doing well and fine together with your friends loved ones and family.πŸ˜‡πŸ™β€οΈ

Good to be back on writing again after a few days of rest from writing here on Hive. Hehe..it was because of many reasons. First, my Resource credits were fully consumed, so I can't do any activity here on Hive, but I don't have regretted it. It was a blessing to others and me as well because I always want to become a blessing to others too I also got very busy here in our home because my Mom is sick and weak now. I was also busy with household chores and with my son too.


This is my participation in the #sublimesunday of Sir @c0ff33a and #beautifulsunday of Sir @ace108

My day was very much active, tiring, and busy but happy and thankful for all the blessings God has given to us. I started it by attending Sunday Mass online on YouTube with the topic Palm Sunday because Holy Week already started. Mom, my son, and I watched and listened to it, a part of our family bonding too. I also failed to attend the meeting in the Water Cooperative Assembly Meeting and the election of officers because of my situation here at home. I am a member of that Cooperative too. I can elect and can be elected if I want to run for any position. Aside from that, I need to check on my nephews too because their parents were in the hospital because my brother's mother-in-law is undergoing chemotherapy, suffering from Ovarian Cancer.

So many challenges but God also never fails on showering us with his love and mercy, so I am always thankful

I want to share the continuation of my story about the blessings that my Mom Got from our government, and for us, this means a lot, not just because of the material things but because it also shows how loving my Mom, with the blessing she got she still shared to us

I also planned to post it to the #marketfriday of Ma'am @dswigle but because of those unexpected things that happened I failed to post this, so I will also include it here in my post.

This blessing story started in this POST then followed by a short story I shared in this ARTICLE there in Sir @tattoodjay #wednesdaywalk


This village is next to our place Barangay Magsaysay here in San Pedro City Laguna, Philippines, this place is where I almost spent most of my time for 7 years because the L.R. C. S elementary school is also located there where my son graduated.

So if you read the stories on the link it was about the blessing my Mom got from the government, and part of that was used to pay some of our unpaid water bills. We went to San Pedro Resettlement Area Cooperative Inc. to pay the water bill, 1500 Php or 30 USD but our total bill was almost 2000 Php or 40 USD, in the photos I shared there in the group picture placed at the top, in front of the office window, one of them is my father who was one of the best General Manager of that Water Cooperative, he is the one who gave a lot of benefits for the employees like the Social Security System, and regularization of employees and retirement benefits, aside from team building activities like swimming out of towns in Beach Resorts and Swimming pools during Summer and prizes during Christmas Season. He was also one of the Elected Board of Directors there and was elected as Chairman of the board, He brought a lot of big and helpful projects from different sources, like the water Deep Well Tank he got from the Australian Embassy and a lot more. And he was also elected as an overall Chairman of the Cooperative Union of Laguna. I am proud of my father, smart and intelligent, very kind, humble, helpful, loving, and caring, and never stored hatred and grudges in his heart. When my father died his account has been passed to me and I became an automatic member of that cooperative. So he still lives on by me hehe!

Then after that we also went to the Dreamland Subdivision where my son's classmates resided. This subdivision also came from the government but the owners paid 500 php or 10 USD many years ago after they were transferred from Muntinlupa City because they were demolished from a government-owned lot which was a railroad place. It was a blessing for them because they are now living a comfortable and peaceful life in Dreamland, which is a hilly place, and I visited 2 of my friends Angela and Brenda, they are also a mother and guardians of my son @czander classmates, Fiel and Roxanne. I failed to capture some photos in Angela's place. And there in Brenda's place, she has a small variety store or Sari-sari store in her house. She has Cash-in/Cash-out Services through Gcash an online Wallet with a fee of 10 Php or .18 USD per 20 USD transaction(cash-in/cashout). She is also a Mineral Water retailer if I am not mistaken it is .64 USD, she also has Photo/Document Printing services (different prices) and a variety of retailed grocery items. We didn't stay for so long because it was very hot and we need to buy some food stocks at the grocery store, it was great to see them, and felt happy that they are happy and safe from the Covid 19

After that we went in front of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines where students can get a good education through scholarships and low tuition fee packages. We went there because my friend Brenda told me a new SM Mall is being built in front of the university and I was amazed because another establishment is going to rise soon in our small city that will create more jobs for people and income for our city government.

We proceeded first to the Alfamart a convenience store there but the items we needed were not available at that time so we walk across the road to buy medicine for Mom a small grocery store is also connected to the Generika Generic Drug Store, where we bought our groceries, we spent almost 800 php or 16 USD., that money we used came from moms blessing too.

We decided to walk we went back home and my son was so happy even though it was very hot that time and he was carrying the groceries, he said: "Mama I am so happy carrying this bag of groceries and we paid a big part of our unpaid water bill". He is happy because he knows that this is one of our problems that he always sees me so bothered. And now that is settled it was a great blessing to us.

Our Family is always an inspiration to us, I am happy that I shared some of my stories here about my parents, son, family, and friends, and something about my life

I also spent our day with #music, how many times my son played this song from YouTube and my nephew did too, and want to share it with us here?

And because I also want to share another song that I always played when talking about God, and my family and parents I also listened to this

-Thank you for reading my long post hehe. I missed writing!!! Always keep a beautiful smile like 😁 and let God be the center of life forever and always. Please don't forget to pray! To God be the glory through Christ our lord!πŸ™πŸ˜‡

All photos are captured by me

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The tree in the first photo looks like what we call a rain tree here.

-Thank you for that information Sir @ace108, I don't know the name of the treeπŸ˜‡..its been there on that place for a long time! Have a blessed day!πŸ™

You're welcome.

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-Thanks a lot for the update @poshtoken Have a blessed day!πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ˜‡