-Sweet Sunday with Family!❤️🙏-

in SublimeSundaylast year (edited)

-Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you are all doing well and fine together with your friends loved ones and family!❤️

I am still sick at this moment but I am happy because of my family❤️

I started my day by attending a holy mass online because I can't go out because of my health condition. And it always gives me a beautiful and blessed day hearing God's words, after that, we had our breakfast the delicious Sinigang, a delicious Filipino dish that my brother shared with us. After that, I rest and sleep again

But even if I am sick I still prepare a simple yet delicious lunch for my family

I also want to share with you the snack that my son @czander prepared for us. It a simple yet so special for us, and for us parents when our children expressed their love and care for us it warms our hearts.


He prepared an egg sandwich, put a Margarine, and toasted the bread on a hot pan, then fried a sunny-side-up egg, With hot Coffee. KOPIKO A 3 in 1 coffee that is popular here in the Philippines 🇵🇭.

I was very happy because of my sweet son's gesture. He loves to cook and always watching the preparation/cooking of food on YouTube.

It's always fun being with my family even at home I always feel contentment in life, I also finished some posts here on Hive, and other online works, read messages, and learn about their condition even on chat. I feel happy😇


The evening came and I prepared a delicious meal for our dinner, Pancit Miki Guisado, fresh egg noodles. Mom and my son were so happy and said it was so delicious hehe I feel loved and delighted.💕, we ate happily and talked while eating

Before sleeping, I guided my son on his homework with a theme: Fight Covid-19 using Water, and in the homework needed to make a Poster with originality, so I help him with the concept, and he draw most of it I helped him with a few things, and it feels great doing the project together, of course, I am his teacher at home too, a friend and a mother, I always want my child tell me everything that is why I am not so strict on him, Yes sometimes I need to remind him if he committed mistakes but it's for his good and I am happy he always understands.


So this is the concept "Water from the Heart of Jesus" relaying a message that We should pray first before we do anything, like in here that pray that the water be blessed to kill the viruses like the Covid 19.

This is my participation in the #sublimesunday of Sir @c0ff33a and @Sir @ace108 #beautifulsunday thank you both and God bless!🙏

Always keep a beautiful smile, like 😁and let God be the center of life forever and always!❤️..please don't forget to pray!😇🙏

Have a blessed Sunday to all of us..May God bless us all!🙏🙏🙏

All pictures are captured by Me


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-Thanks a lot @poshtoken! Have a blessed day!🙏😇

Hope you get well soon.

-Thanks a lot Sir @ace108, Have a blessed evening!😇🙏