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RE: Sublime SHOW! SO many prizes... so many giggles.

in SublimeSunday2 years ago

This was so so so much fun!....... Haha I had the best time ever on that birthday party!

My ribs were hurting from so much laughter and guessing hehehe...

Infact am so happy to witness another party in discord like it has been forever since we no longer hold parties because of the void that was created by umm lol.

Dreemport has made a remarkable one year birthday in my journey with you Dreemie ❤️


hehehheeh yes ...that void from that platform....

but it created this nice empty hole that can only be filled with more dreemers, more love, more laughter, more unity...

hehehhee so we take that hole that they gave us ..and thank them for the extra space to fill!

and do our best to attract the little dreemie lights all over!!! heheheh

so glad that my Cesca Lovie was there hehehehehe and I was laughing just as hard as those games ..lololol

I seriously laughed the whole party hahaha (well except the end when that silly girl cried. shhhh don't say her name...she's too ridiculous hahahahahha) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

love you!!! onto Year 2!!!

Hahaha just an exactly the saying goes every disappointment is a blessing and I believe it was applied in dreemport and it's creation.

Oh I don't know about the silly girl that cried hehe, or maybe I know lol....

Year 2 already whew 😅