Sublime Sunday

in SublimeSunday2 years ago

Yesterday was quite amazing and thoughtful. We are in the last week of our fasting and prayer and everyone is sensitive of the fast to make testimonies from them.
I hope you are all doing great hivans. If you find anywhere looking a little bit dull here, it is probably because of the fast. Sunday most times is stressful when you go out.
Reaching out to others help us grow our ties and bond and also visiting and standing in the gap for others. I appreciate the fact that we keep having new members every blessed Sunday and it has been a great blessing to God's house

I see a lady sitting during the worship. It must have been a stressful day on Saturday. There are a lot of people who work from Monday to Saturday or even Saturday overnight. I was once like that I remember, right before my admission into the university, I was always at work, no holiday or break.

One of the things I enjoy at church is the praise session we do have. It's full of energy and spirit one can't resist. African is known for their music nature . Dancing and singing is our delight and joy. We enjoy it a lot at church and enough instruments to make it sound good.
I didn't go with a friend this time, I went alone. My friend had a lot to fix yesterday. It was a powerful session and we'll be having our love feast on Sunday which is going to be filled with the vibe and all sorts of food flying around the place.
I wish I could invite you all to come see how interesting it is.
Thanks for viewing my blog


Hmm, are there some new red and blue chairs there?

Yes. They were recently refurbished

That is nice