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RE: Flowers and Wine

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

I can see those cherry bubbles, Dee! It looks refreshing! Cheers!

I like honest-to-goodness reviews. There is nothing more disappointing than a review that is written disingenuously. What is the point? I do not favor sweet white wines, so, I rarely buy one, but, an occasional glass of them is good. Thanks for the honest review of it! I appreciate it!

I have bee balm too! One of my kids was given a couple and I planted it! Sweet Jesus! Nobody told me they spread like wildfires! But, you are right! They taste lovely!

Thanks, @deerjay ! Have a fabulous Wednesday!


Thanks Denise!! One person claimed to have gotten a hint of sage and that just was a laugh. I could understand picking up a taste of another fruit perhaps but 🙄
I love the Bee Balm but, yes, it can spread. I lost a lot of mine last year to some kind of mildew. I guess all the rain we had back then affected them. So far the few that have come up this year look good. My daughter has asked to take some which was fine with me. I pick the petals to put in salads but I usually wind up just nibbling on them before they make it into a
Hope you've had a fantastic Wednesday and have a great rest of the week! 🙂

Thanks, Dee! Take one of your plants and move it somewhere else (or two) and by the end of the summer, you will have an overabundance. I started with two and had about fifty before the end of the summer.

Sage? I dislike when people try to sound important, like they know what they are talking about. LOL

Most welcome and thanks again! Wow! Fifty from two is a lot but they sure are pretty! I feel like I'm running outta' space so I'm happy to have my daughter take some. I think the Cicadas have caused some wilting of some plants or possibly some other outside cause. Nothing serious..I hope though.
Yeah..the sage really had me bewildered. 🤔🙂