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RE: What a Beautiful and Sublime Sunday

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

You really do have different-looking coffee! I always want to call it hot chocolate, even using warm milk. You know I am coffee with a bit of cream, but, everyone should have the one they like best, especially to get the day going!

Why don't you have a lilac? Even I have four of them and when they are in bloom, it is absolute heave! I figured out why mine didn't bloom for two years! I trimmed them at the wrong time.

Le sigh.

The lawnmower thing, I blame on COVID! Mine did the same thing and it's because of not going to the shore or bringing it there as my neighbor kept mowing it. I am glad you got it going. Such a tiny yard for the machine. :) But, better than not being used.

Your plants are exploding! Looks like a most fabulous Sunday! So glad for you! Have a great week ahead!


Yeah that is just the back yard. The front is a double lot so at least 10 times that spot in the back. Took 30 minutes with that so I am guessing hours by hand!

I have lilacs on the hill out back but they have not bloomed yet.

Yeah my Deere only has 20 hours on it so I would really be upset at myself if I caused it damage!

Speed it up! I do three and a half acres quicker than that, Pokey!