We finally had some snow today so we had a little walk around a nearby park. Santa turned up as well, but he definitely wasn't on a sleigh pulled by reindeers!
After a quick wave to Santa we went off to feed the ducks.
All the ducks came out for their feed. They are quite hungry this time of year as there are less people about. They were lucky today as they got full bellies.
Someone had made a little snowman. He was very cute. I don't think the snow will stick around for too long, so you have to take advantage of it while it lasts.
After a walk around the park we went for a drink at the cafe to warm up a bit.
The Christmas decorations made it look extra special. They will always draw me in as they make it look warm and inviting.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year, with the festive songs, twinkly decorations, numerous shopping trips, present wrapping, mulled wine and eating! Lots of eating!
This is my #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108 and #sublimesunday hosted by @c0ff33a.
🤣🤣it was funny to watch santa being followed by all those ducks hahaha
that christmas decoration is looking really pretty!
Unfortunately, Santa forgot to bring bird food with him. 😁
Wow, there are so many ducks there.
That was only a few of them. 😃