Sublime Sunday - Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks!

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

Ducks tend to differ from pond to pond. On my village pond the ducks aren't as interested in food. It's very cold so they seem to go into hibernation mode.

On another pond, in a village nearby, the ducks are still going mad for food. It was like a feeding frenzy!

I had plenty of food to go around but they had to fight each other for it - mostly the males! 😁

@sublimesunday by @c0ff33a.

Photos by @ellenripley - Julie S. All rights reserved.


As Male, I feel attacked 🤣.
But its typical though, haha.

Nice photos, I kinda feel there is a tad motion blur to them, but I guess that explains how much of a Frenzy they were in.

Ha ha. Trust me, as a female, if chocolate was on the table, I'd make sure I got it first. 😁

Yes, definitely motion blur. They were very determined to get their share

Nice of you to feed them.

So many ducks! They would last half a day in my country!! Hunters will arrive!!

Oh no. Save the ducks!