Sublime and beautiful Sunday

in SublimeSunday11 months ago

I was an awesome sunday and today was alittle stressful due to the house chores i involve myself into.

Today i worshipped at Living Faith Church aka Winners chapel and i attended second service i couldnt attend the first service due to the work i did over the night went for night vigil.

We have been looking at the theme of the month which is supernatural breakthrough is my heritage and we focus on a teaching series unveiling the breakthrough power of love.

The pastor said every accomplishment in life is not about a function of skills.
Success is also not by our strength
Accomplishment in life is a product of blessing of God and it must be provoke by our love for God.

Love for God is not an extention of our natural ability but an outflow of holyspirit from the inside of us. What is love for God? It means placing God above all heads including oneself.

How does love for God result into breakthrough

  • It enhances access to revelation ( spiritual understanding tge truth)
  • Love for God empowers our faith to deliver maximally.
  • The nature of God is the nature of faith (love) the nature of faith is a nature of possibility
  • Love of God makes you to do the impossible
  • Love facilitate answers to our prayer
  • Love for God enhances access to the wisdom of God

After the service i quickly left because i need some clothes to wash and to clean the whole house.

Thanks for viewing my blog.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

On many sundays, i end up doing household chores too and that usually takes me to afternoon. It's good you still able to get to the 2nd service after your chores

During house chores usually take more time than we expected a times. Thanks for your comment

Dear @ace108, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @femcy-willcy.

You're welcome