🙌🏽🌻Sublime Sunday🙌🏽💖 by @c0ff33a - Visit to the newly opened Zoo - Part 1

in SublimeSunday3 months ago

A new attraction has opened up in the city which is the Zoo. Oman did not have a proper Zoo like other countries. There is one but a very small one, which is managed privately by one individual. He has his limitations, but yet he has been managing the place with a nominal entry. Actually Middle East region is not the very right place to have Zoo, because of it's climatic conditions. It is so hot here in summer with temperature going up to 50 degrees, that it would be a torture for the animals. But now with technology, the temperature issue is also being managed well.

The Zoo is not yet fully ready, yet during the Eid holidays they had the soft opening.

I was wondering how this place would sustain for visitors during summer time, because it would be practically impossible to movie around the open zoo in scorching heat. Here they have put a good thought and the whole walk way is covered giving shade to the visitors. Not only that the place is mud of mud and some other materials which would give a cooling effect and the place is made in such a way that it has a cross ventilation system, which then gives good breeze. All of it put together makes it a comfortable place to move around even in the summers.

The day we travelled, it was a nice cloudy day. Summer has started setting in and the temperature is rising. We had a pleasant weather this day so moving around was convenient. The Zoo is a good long 2 hours drive from the city. It is made in a small town which frequently has rainfall. I guess they must have on purpose selected this site.

As we enter, the ticket counters are not yet ready, so the staff were sitting at a desk outside, giving tickets.

The entrance did look very appealing. By this time, I was curious of what I would see inside.


As we enter inside the very first animal I see is the Lion and the Lioness. It was their nap time so this was all we got.

There were 2 huge bears, again they were also sleeping. Here I felt the place for them was very small.

As we pass through we see a variety of animals, some common and some rare ones, which we never see in our region.


As I mentioned the place for Ostrich was very small considering it's size and the way it moves around. I hope at a later time they move him to a better place, but till such time also it's sad to see him so cramped up.

One of my favorites

On the other side there were some more Lions and they were all awake.

He looks very majestic


They look very sad to be here.

The children in our group were enjoying thoroughly. One of my niece who is only 1.5 years she was super fascinated looking at the animals. She wanted to pat each one of them. It was a task to keep her in control :-)

See you in part 2 tomorrow, continuing the Zoo story.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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You visit such places either when you are a child yourself or when you have children, And it's equally enjoyable both times! :)

True, children do get very fascinated with these places

marvelous God creation, often mistreated or ignored by men

Yes and we humans are expert in being selfish for our own joy and convinience

monkeys are always funny and smart;) I do like them too;)

I get scared of them....you cannot eat anything in their presence when they are in open, else they will just grab it from you and can even hurt you

I do hope those that are in cramped up spaces get to move soon. I'd hate to see their eyes radiating with sadness being cooped up like that. But I'm glad the little ones had fun.🌺

Yes, I too hope that

The organizers did a great job that they could even bring some great animals like lion into the zoo
That’s awesome

Yes, they did a great job in bringing some of the big animals, but then at the same time they should have also considered making bigger spaces for them

The first area just after the entrance looks ell decorated with that tree at the center. The space for the animals looks small, especially for the big cats. I've never seen a white tiger yet, He definitely looks majestically calm :)

Yes, it is small.

Amazing captures!

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