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RE: Sublime Snow: Mountain Style!

in SublimeSundaylast year

I have seen many post snowy pictures that I envy, I have never seen snow, live in a country that is hot and humid for the most part of the year with only summer and rainy season, for the most part rain, snow really change the landscape and make it look like out of a movie scene, I think I wouldnt complain at first but for those who live on a constant winter could also be an issue feeling cold all the time, 4 feet of snow is a lot of snow but when it stops Im sure is fun


ahahaha well - today - there is even more snow - and the front of our house looks like an igloo!!! LOLOL

it's fun to see - but really not fun to be living inside of it! hahahaha

its a huge inconvenience when the roads are so dangerous and the power keeps shutting off LOLOL

but - yes! so very beautiful! you can come visit hehhe