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RE: 🙌🏽🌻Sublime Sunday🙌🏽💖 by @c0ff33a - Some fun in the Snow

in SublimeSunday10 months ago

woow, my Nainu in snow!😍😍so unusual to see such a background in your photos;))
you've no snow in your place of living? never?

Snow is wonderful, but I worry if you were not cold there?:) You don't have warm enough boots and clothes:)


Hehe.....yes so unlikely na, I am all the time on these barren mountains here in Oman and this is a complete contrast.
About the cold, no I was not feeling, rather I had to remove one layer because the sun was so bright that I was feeling suffocated with so much clothing. It was a nice sunny day and weather was just perfect to enjoy.