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RE: An alternative early Christmas celebration

in SublimeSunday6 months ago

Good morning!

Your post made my mouth water... And here in Portugal it's still only 4.30am! Ahaah

I haven't been to a dim sum restaurant in a few years, but not because I don't like it. The last time I went I even managed to convince my mom and bro to join me. It was my mother's birthday last year, and even though she's a bit of a traditional foodie, she really enjoyed the experience.

I think that most people who like Dim Sum are essentially interested in the presentation and the very healthy way of cooking the food... I love feeling the finished steaming heat of a nice Dim Sum!

The restaurant I chose on that particular day was quite full. And very fortunately with a lot of oriental people, which means that poor quality would certainly not be an issue in those parts!

Yum Cha, it's impossible not to relate it to the roots of the name "Cha", which is spelled exactly the same way, with just an acute accent added to the last vowel "Chá"!

It's one of the drinks I drink every day. Either in the form of "commercial" sachets (at work, because it's very practical), or even as an infusion of crushed leaves that I buy in organic stores. I get enormous satisfaction from drinking tea! I'm sure I picked up this habit from my maternal grandmother, with whom I spent a lot of time during my vacations and even during school days.

I loved your post about your traditional "non-traditional" Christmas lunch! After all, religion is also a set of rites and meetings between believers ;)
