The Early Adopter [CRAP or DAPP Overview]

Are you an Early Adopter?

The Oxford definition of an Early Adopter is, "a person who starts using a product or technology as soon as it becomes available."

Let's face it - If you're reading this blog anywhere near the time of its original post you likely are.

Naturally, us early adopters experience the best and the worst of a product. At times we see brilliant innovation and a few moments later we find small careless errors that some of us could fix on our own. Yet we put up with them because we understand the risks. Whether you're here for efficiency, innovation, social status, wealth, or any other reason, early adopters all take our own risks in hopes to reap our reward.

My goal as an innovation seeker, is to mitigate major risk as much as possible. I'm not a millionaire and though I hold several coins, I'm hardly an investor. To me, “major risk” pretty much just means money. Some DAPPS have associated costs to use them. Some wallets are not secure. Some DAPPS are flat out scams. I’ll be doing as much research as possible prior to choosing a DAPP for review to mitigate this risk. I understand that I’ll likely waste some time to find out that several DAPPs are useless. That’s sort of the point to this. So that you and the rest of the community don’t have to. I should note that I’m not concerned with enterprise limitations as these risks don’t affect me. Naturally, I won’t be reviewing most enterprise DAPPS. This Blog will be all about what DAPPS I find useful as an individual. If a DAPP has been poorly created, isn’t a working product, or doesn’t improve my life, you can pretty much guarantee that it will quickly find its way to the CRAP column.

The Rules: CRAP or DAPP

I’ll be posting weekly video reviews of my exploration of a new DAPP – Commentary included. I’d love it if you joined me and posted you own reviews in our community ‘The Early Adopter.’ Be sure to use #crapordapp.

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My next post will be a self-bio followed by my first review of!.

Sort: is a good app of Steem.

I'll be sure to check it out!