A beautiful sunrise at Ban Phung - Ha Giang

in PhotoFeed2 years ago

Hi Hivers,
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have just finished my trip to discover the beauty of Ha Giang in the ripe rice season. After great experiences, I'm back home now. Reviewing the photos I took during that wonderful trip, I would like to share with you some more photos of the sunrise at Ban Phung. These are the photos I took from the balcony of the homestay that I stayed at early in the morning of my second day in Ha Giang. It was Trong Phu homestay, a small homestay located on a hill, where I was able to have a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. Check out my photos below.

According to the homestay owner about the beauty of the sunrise there, I was so excited that I woke up at 5am, when the moon and a few stars were still in the sky.

From the balcony of Trong Phu homestay, I was able to look to the East. On the horizon a bright red sky signaled the rising sun behind the mountains.


At that time, a dense "sea" of ​​clouds was already covering everything around except for the high peaks. It was a truly majestic sight.

I have to say thank you to the owner of the homestay, because it was thanks to him that I woke up early and watched the whole process of sunrise there.

The sky on the horizon gradually turns from red to orange then yellow, which signals the sun is about to emerge from the mountain peaks.

The fog still covers the overlapping mountains, creating a truly magical scene. Ha Giang's terrain is mainly high mountains, so looking from above you only see the overlapping mountain ranges. In the early morning, they together with the light of the sun, clouds and fog create a beautiful and peaceful picture.






After about 30 minutes I had admired the beauty of the entire surrounding area, the sun had also risen from the top of the mountain. The first rays of sunlight appeared and shone through the layers of clouds and fog to reach the ground. I really felt a source of energy when I received the first rays of sunlight.


Then the sun rose higher, the clouds and fog gradually cleared to reveal a beautiful village below. That is Ban Phung. You can see pictures of Ban Phung in my previous post here:


I had a great time early in the morning at Ban Phung. There is nothing better than waking up in such a beautiful and peaceful place. All the fatigue from the previous day's trip seemed to have disappeared, and I felt refreshed. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Wish you a good day.

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Sunset view is one of nature's natural scenes. I like it a lot. A very beautiful place and the sunset view from there is very beautifully photographed by you.

Thank you very much @kawsar8035
But it's sunrise.

Very nice view.

Thank you very much @apnigrich

I love it and I know your big effort to get this amazing shot for the highland you are. Proud of you sir @dodovietnam. Blessing

Thank you very much for your visit and lovely words @elchaleefatoe15
I was lucky to be there at the right time and right place.
Wish you a nice day!

Wow great photography is actually the sun weapon moment looks like this beautiful scene we neglect to see this scene. The place is beautiful.

Wow.. Stunning.. Love those clouds.

Did you stay for a while in Ha Giang? Like a few days? That should have been a great escape hehe.

Heavenly views, very high quality photography.... It's like I'm there watching!... Thank you for this friend!...



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Look at the view, amazing.

stunning view!

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Mùa này đi Hà Giang rất đẹp :)