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RE: Little World | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography

in PhotoFeed3 years ago

We'll see, but I want to take these photos anyway, if not at Christmas then on another day ... White Christmas would be great though 😃

After some time we will get used of it and it will be like the flu, just as you said, and you are right, we should carry on with our life and shouldn't let it disturb it.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃


Perhaps I am cynical, if I think about life in general, SA children now teenagers, do not know a time in their lives of not having to deal with electricity issues (rolling blackouts), two years of covid disruptions, not life as we knew it.

Living to enjoy some life will be up to each individual having to cope with change, I hope nature gives you a special treat this year!


Hi Joan,

they are used of it, they have never experienced how nice it is to have power 24/7 or to go shopping without a mask - the new normal.

I don't know if I will ever get used of the mask.

A special treat would be to once again hike up a mountain where I haven't been since last year, and nobody else would be there, just like before the pandemic 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Very strange when a teenager asks, 'was it always like this'? Try to explain 'this' is actually quite new, something we all still coming to grips with.

Hate these masks!!!

Need to start planning a trip to the mountains again early next year after February heat.

Hope you get up the mountain, see absolutely nobody else, keep a mask in your pocket in case...


Yep, but my kids were already almost 18 when it began, so they know "the life before", and I believe their kids will never ask this question, but will make big eyes when grandma tells them she has gone shopping without a mask 😂

I don't make plans for the next weekends, just do how I feel when I wake up.

"after February heat" - that still sounds so weird because in February I will be longing for the warmth of Spring and Summer ... after the February cold 😉

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Younger generation will rightfully question..., they are losing best times of their lives through this. Hopefully soon this rectifies enabling them to continue in life as they wish, hope your daughter is settled and happy in town and pappa is not crying 😉.

We look at weather prediction one day ahead, when we wake up final decision made before going out, even weather apps are never that accurate.

Month of February here it feels like a hot wet blanket is thrown over you when you go out, not fun!

Now look forward to many cool photographs over the next few months...


Most of the youngsters here don't care and live as before, maybe a little more hidden. My kids take a little more care, but when they want to go out or meet someone they do it, no matter if it's allowed or not. But it's all different than before.
Well, always when someone reminds me that she's far away and "alone" I start to think and hope that she's fine, but she is a good girl and because of lockdown she's coming home next week for a while - homestudying 😁

The weatherman always lies, I think he or she does that on purpose 🤣

I only hope I have enough time - the end and beginning of the year are always the busiest times.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Children have to carry on with life, if they don't socialize how will they meet partners?

Your daughter will be fine, having her home will be fun now since she will share her new experiences in between having those Cappuccino's. We need to stop and think how we were at that age, you have to experience life to get to know what you want.

Weatherman changes it's mind quicker than you can change you clothing, wake up and see what is happening on the day is best.

End of year is always a frenzy, something I learned is stock up and pack away as much as able during October and November in preparation at home, work you can never assess something always pops up unexpected!


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