PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography Round 68: Spring is Coming [ENG/ESP]

in PhotoFeed3 months ago

“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”

Lewis Grizzard


Spring is Coming

In a couple of weeks, the Northern Hemisphere will once again experience the arrival of Spring, the season of the year that signals the end of Winter and when trees and shrubs green up and bloom again.

Although in the Tropics the four seasons are not present because temperature changes do not usually vary drastically throughout the year, this season that begins in late February is also conducive to the flowering of plant species, providing an extremely pleasant visual spectacle when the flowers and trees located in streets, avenues, gardens and parks are covered with great color.

In the outdoor garden of a building near my home, there is a creeping daisy, a variety of shrub that is characterized by its tiny bright yellow flowers with a diameter ranging between 2 to 3 centimeters, and usually attracts bees and other insects.

En un par de semanas, el Hemisferio Norte experimentará nuevamente la llegada de la Primavera, la estación del año que indica el final del Invierno y cuando los árboles y arbustos reverdecen y florecen nuevamente.

Aunque en el Trópico no se presentan las cuatro estaciones por cuanto los cambios de temperatura no suelen variar drásticamente a lo largo del año, esta temporada que se inicia desde finales de Febrero también es propicia para el florecimiento de las especies vegetales, proporcionando un espectáculo visual sumamente agradable cuando las flores y árboles ubicados en calles, avenidas, jardines y parques se revisten de gran colorido.

En el jardín exterior de un edificio cercano a mi hogar, se encuentra una margarita rastrera, una variedad de arbusto que se caracteriza por sus diminutas flores de un amarillo intenso con un diámetro que oscila entre los 2 a 3 centímetros, y que suele atraer abejas y otros insectos.






All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the PhotoFeed Macro Photography Contest. This is an initiative of @photofeed.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 05-03-2024

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