Colors of sunset is symbol of a new day.

in PhotoFeed3 years ago (edited)

Warm Greetings to all nature lovers . I’m a new member of this Photo lover community and this is my first post. In this post I want to share with you some sunset photos which I have taken with my mobile phone I hope they will attract you towards the nature and colors of evening. You can see in these picture that sunset is more then just a scientific phenomenon. It is a strong piece of evidence that somewhere out there, someone smiles down on us, knowing that at the end of the day, we need something that will remind us that it’s going to be okay.




Thank you so much for being here on my first post. If you like my photography kindly upvote me to boost me up.


Great photography

Thanks dear

Yay! 🤗
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Did you know there is a contest called love the clouds?
Come to discord the terminal and we will hel;p with some tips to get more votes and become a better blogger off thats is needed or wanted otherwise we just have fun there

Kindly drop the link of that contest I wanna take part on it.