PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 46

in PhotoFeed8 months ago

Hi, my dear friends!

For round 46 - some rural scenery. Well... let's be honest, it's hard to expect anything different from me now. Dogs and work significantly limit my ability to move. But I am not discouraged. In the end - if there is nature, then there is always a plot.
The photographs were taken not far from my home, in a neighboring village. Just 10 minutes by car. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of those who live there. Living near a lake or pond is my dream. But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out. But I console myself with the thought that I don’t suffer so much from mosquito attacks in the evenings. There are positive sides to everything!

I love the sparkles on the water. It's amazing how nature can make something beautiful out of the simplest things.

And this photo is certainly not a landscape. But I really liked how the sun's rays penetrated the dark clouds. And may the organizers of the contest forgive me)))


Beautiful photos!