PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 50

in PhotoFeed8 months ago

Hi, my dear friends!

I try not to focus only on photos on my blog, but there are topics that I never miss - macro photography and landscapes. It must be said that the geography of Hive is extremely vast. Here you can meet authors from different parts of our beautiful planet. Landscape photography makes it possible to see the places where the authors of Hive live. Some things will be similar to our native places, some will be different, but one thing remains unchanged - the nature of our planet is amazingly diverse and invariably beautiful.

Street photographs have a second such information load, but here the situation is a little different for me personally, since I live quite far from the city, and when I appear there, it’s usually targeted trips and I’m driving all the time, so I don’t have the opportunity to take pictures. In addition, now that there is a war, street photography does not meet with much approval.

But fortunately, nature provides sufficient scope for photographic creativity. Of course the approaching winter will change this somewhat. But for now we have a wonderful golden autumn. As soon as the rainy season ends, I plan to make several photo trips to photograph autumn landscapes.











It seems you live in a deserted place where one would rest their mind ;)