Wildlife Photography #61

in PhotoFeed5 months ago


Hi, my dear friends!

Two days ago, especially for this contest, my dog Mouse and I went to the Old Pond to see how our old friends live - wild ducks. I must say that these ducks are quite lazy creatures. They have chosen for their lives this beautiful place in the forest next to a small recreation complex and do not fly anywhere even for the winter.

Really, why would they do it if people take great care of them?

And it really is, because of the frost and snow, the whole pond turned into a solid ice-snow desert (you can see it in the last photo). But people took care of the ducks and made a fairly large ice ice hole for them.

When I come here, I always enjoy this beautiful tandem of people and wildlife, where wild ducks can live next to a person and fear nothing.

I also added a small video so you can see how much fun wild ducks get from their winter bathing.





Wow so beautiful and amazing ducks photography with pond and snow healing. Environment are very cool and adorable

What a beautiful landscape. I can't believe that little pond doesn't freeze, maybe it's because of the activity the birds do there.
Beautiful photographs. Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful postcard
Enjoy a beautiful morning dear friend @torem-di-torem

Півзими пройшло, скоро сніг та крига зникне... А ми булемо чекати весну!))) Добре, що качкам не холодно купатися!)))