Life After Death is More Beautiful

in INDONESIAN HIVE2 years ago
There is no eternal human in the world, surely all who live in this world will feel his name die. But we do not know when we will die, whether today, tomorrow, next month or next year. Are we currently preparing for the next life?


Most of us are busy with doing things in this world, while for provisions in the hereafter we will waste it. In fact, we live in this world only temporarily, in the hereafter, it will be eternal.

What we do in this world during our life, we will be responsible for in the hereafter. Whether the actions we do are good or bad. The time of responsibility in the hereafter will not go unnoticed, be it big or small.


Have you ever imagined it, when we are alone in the middle of the night we will imagine life in the afterlife. If we often imagine life after death, then we will be afraid of death. The reason we fear death is because we are not ready for life after death. In terms of the good deeds we do, it is not comparable to the bad things we do in life.

I often think about doing or visiting places where people died. Where, religious leaders will give tausiah before the dead person is buried. Often the tausiah conveyed by religious leaders is related to the day of death and how much good deeds we have done during our lives.


For example we live 40 years in this world, how much good we do. Is it greater the good or the bad. If there is more evil, are we living enough in this world to repent before we die? How when we die we are still covered in sin.

Sometimes we often do bad deeds, where we often gossip about other people. When we gossip about other people and people who speak hurt, we have done bad things. Almost every time we never escape the bad deeds we do, be it big or small deeds.

To do good even though it is easy for us to do, but we underestimate it. Where when there is a thorn in the road and we remove the thorn, then no one gets hurt. It's such a trivial thing, but it has a big impact.


Therefore, it needs awareness from each individual to do good things. Because good deeds will be the provision of our life later after death. Because the creator will not miss or miss checking a good deed, even if the deed is very small.

This is a reflection and study especially for myself and for other friends. Remember life after the hereafter is more beautiful than life in this world. Life in this world is temporary, while life in the hereafter will be eternal.





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