Wedding Ceremony

in INDONESIAN HIVE2 years ago

Yesterday I attended a wedding at an event held in North Aceh, at that time I was invited as a guest. But on this occasion I will share a story with a friend hive about the custom of marriage in aceh.


Hello Everyone.!!!

On this occasion, I will share the story of my journey at a wedding party in Aceh, Aceh is an area that has a state in Indonesia, the western part of the island of Sumatra. ACEH has many customs and cultures, one of which is marriage customs, therefore in this post I will discuss about marriage customs with the theme of marriage contracts.

To get to know aceh culture about marriage, especially with the seserahan culture at a wedding is the surrender of valuable objects to the bride, on the wedding day a man who becomes the bride will give these items to his new wife.

Some of the offerings will be brought by the relatives of the groom when the wedding party arrives, one of which is I who was a guest on his wedding day at that time. So I brought some of the offerings to the wedding venue.


There are some photos that I took via my smartphone when I came at the wedding, I saw a lot of valuables that the groom gave to the bride, including clothes, makeup materials, household materials, furniture, and some of the food. .

What makes it unique and unusual is that these items are packaged in rectangular glass tubes, usually these items are only lined with a basket and clear plastic. Another uniqueness of the decorations that are presented really attracts my attention, of course it will make the bride and groom very happy.


All the offerings given are displayed in front of the bridal stage so that every guest who comes to take pictures because they like the art they do, I myself experienced the same thing when I saw all these offerings, it was really unique and amazing.


That's all I can share in this post. I hope you like it, to support my blog and posts give your support so that I always consistently share my photography posts every day.

© All Photo by @dayatsiaulia

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