My Sublime Sunday Activities

in INDONESIAN HIVE2 years ago (edited)

I feel this Sunday is pretty relaxing. There is not much going on today. My wife did not make 120 or so bun cakes today for me to wrap. I felt great. But I did go to market this morning as usual to bring my wife selling the bun cakes she made yesterday evening.

Having some free time, I decided to sharpen all the dull knifes in the kitchen. I haven't touched them for long, because I don't have proper sharpener.

Few days ago, I watched a yt video tutorial on how to sharpen knife. I was just curious watching this American chef explaining on the video how to properly do it. He said one have to have the right amount of pressure on the knife when sharpening it. He suggested to measure the pressure of our hand made upon the knife to make sure it was the right amount. He did not use any measurement himself, because he said, he was professional.

I have watched my grandpa as a kid on how he sharpen a knife. We did not know how much pressure we gave the knife as we rub it to the sharpener. All we use was just feeling. We gave enough pressure we feel right.

As I sharpened the knifes, I remembered that my sharpener was very smooth. It is best used for smoothing the knife after being sharpened with more rough sharpener. Still, I used the smooth sharpener. Next time, I had to get the rough one.

After about half an hour or so, I finished. The knifes were not that sharp or as sharp as I expected. This was why a proper sharpener was needed. But I was quite happy with the result. When the knife can cut some vegetables, fish, tofu and tempeh, I am happy.

Next, I went to the town to buy a sack of rice. I sold some SBD few days ago so I could go on some groceries shopping with my wife.

I arrived at the shop in at almost midday. There were not so many people at the shop so it was quick. My wife got some sugar, egg, flour and few other things in the shop. I went to the part where rice was stored.

A 25 kilogram of rice would be enough for one month. I chose the cheaper one, because I think mostly rice would taste the same, that is, tasteless. And also I want to get the best value from selling my Hive/HBD.

Finally, I got back from the shop, and arrived home. My wife cook the rice, and some side dish. It was lunch time when I ate my "HBD" rice. It tasted great, surprisingly. Probably it was because a rice that I bought by selling hard-earned-HBD 🤣. Hive once again saved our life. (Few months ago I had no choice but to power down to pay my one year house rent).

That's all my Sunday.

 2 years ago  

its HBD bli, not SBD anymore. : )
well it is always tasty to have taste the sweetness of our hardwork.

silih goloke bli. .wkkwkwk

This is embarrassing, not sure what is going on with my brain 🧠.