The Real Revolution

in Matrix-8 NewAgeDApps2 years ago (edited)


"In the history of the world there has always been only one revolution"
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

What is Krishnamurti telling us here? What about the Agricultural Revolution? or The Industrial Revolution? Or the Overthrowing of the Monarchies? Certainly many have taken place. Not so much...

He said that only one has taken place, one and the same....

And that is, humanity changing its external improve its internal state. He said that all of this revolutions or massive changes have only been changes on the outside.

And because of that, repetitions of the same.....So that deep inside we are still all cavemen. That we have the same urges, and passions and necessities.

That we keep trying the same solution but with diferent masks

How can you solve a problem in the same state of mind that created it....?
Source: MINDSEYE-02-Illusion by Oskadesign on deviantart

Is there a way out of this Dilemma?

Well, he said the #RealRevolution is to change our internal state so our external environment would automatically and consequently be changed.

Instead we've been constantly losing our head and repeating the same problems again and again trying to improve our internal state by changing our external environment.

How can we suceed? How can we realize humanity's potential if we keep going in circles.....?

Let's embrace the Real Revolution and what it really means. We can still use crypto, we can still have all the advantages that the fair use of technology bring and all the external tools we need. But without the internal change of the operator....We are doomed to repeat our steps.

So right now we can prevent many problems, but we will restart them sooner or later with different masks and faces.

For every path there are many steps...

We need to go deep inside and rewire our past experiences, clean our subconscious mind, change our personal views, our inner landscape & our internal dialogue....

Source: Oil on canvas by Norwood Hodge MacGilvary

And then go on to work on our goals...anything is possible when this is realized....


Many Blessings and Thanks


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