Role of AI; Why I chose Agriculture over other careers.

in Hive Learners26 days ago

It's no news that in the world we find ourselves in today with the improved way of technology, a lot of things have been going on. Advanced technology has made things way easier and faster for us to accomplish. Thanks to the improved way.

But despite all of these innovations and inventions, we realize that most of these new ways have their advantages and disadvantages too. But it's better if we could have the advantages surpassing the disadvantages of it.

A lot of careers have gone down the line since the advent of technology and it proves to be efficient and more reliable without stress.

Some of the jobs that got taken over by technology are that of the cashiers, nowadays there is little or no need for cashiers on desks anymore. The system software that will operate and analyze all of the income for the day, took over the job of cashiers making it easier to arrive at a certain result without wasting time and also giving accuracy.

Jobs like factory workers are also affected by technology because there are also machines and equipment that would serve way better and faster on fieldwork.

Why Agriculture will remain on the sand of time.

Agriculture is a diverse profession that also has many other subsections. In agriculture, we have crop protection, animal science, aquaculture, horticulture, soil science, agricultural extension and economics, home economics, food sciences, forestry, and many more.

So of all these departments, there is no doubt that technology has played an impact on various aspects. But yet it's still a little difficult for Agriculture to be taken over by technology. Agriculture is a profession that deserves human efforts no matter what. If you should use machinery like tractors, you will need humans to handle the equipment and control it.

When it comes to animal science, there are a lot of automated machines to ease the workload, different designs of cages for poultry, modernized fish ponds, and many more. But still feeding the livestock has to be done by humans and not machines.

Agriculture is a profession of nature and has a lot more to deal with natural resources than the advanced way of artificial technology.

Would AI overthrow Agriculture?

The fear of Artificial intelligence taking over different career fields in recent times is just overwhelming. Many of these careers are letting go of the end of AI. AI could play the role of a doctor, diagnose patients, and many other related things.

As for Agriculture, the role of AI is restricted and can only be rendered available in some aspects. AI has nothing to offer when it comes to practical agriculture. But about the theoretical aspects of agriculture then AI can do well.

I have been so attracted to nature from my childhood and this made me have more love and also appreciate the system of farming. I have always wondered how I get to put beans into the soil, and then it would naturally pave their way out of the soil, germinate, and then at the end it would produce multiple times the beans I buried into the soil

I have always wanted to know how fish could survive in the water all of their lifetime and why other animals could not even stay an hour inside water. Their habitat and environment are something I have wanted to experience so much.

This made me have my way towards agriculture and took it as a profession. I am proud of my profession. One thing so certain about Agriculture is that it is a long-standing career that will never be overridden or overshadowed.

Times in the past Agriculture has been in existence, in the present time Agriculture exists, and in the future Agriculture will always exist. Unless there is a halt to humanity, then agriculture might fade away.

This is my response to the #Mayinleo prompt day 21 in hive learners community on Hive and the topic to be discussed is CAREERS OF THE FUTURE



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