Vegetables are my favorite food

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Your Favourite Food

This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.

Not everyone likes the same person likes each other so if there are ten people in a family, 10 people like 10 different people because what I like may be your choice but our topic of today's discussion is a food of one's own personal choice.

Food plays a very important role for our body because we all know that if we do not eat food then it will be very difficult for us to survive.

Just like a human being has a lot of choices, I also have a lot of favorite foods inside the food, such as roast beef, any roasted meat, roasted khichuri will be the biggest. No matter, I think it's our favorite food

However, my personal favorite food is vegetables. I like vegetables a lot. I think vegetables can be eaten more with rice than meat, and eating vegetables is very beneficial for the body.

Any kind of green leafy red leafy vegetable I like very much I don't like fish meat very much because I don't have much demand for fish-meat from small to high demand for vegetables whenever I have time or if I get any kind of vegetable in front of me I try to cook with that

Greens Green Greens Puni Greens Any type of vegetable is one of my favorite vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins which can play a role in supplementing various deficiencies in our body. One thing

Many people may know that I am currently living in exile. Some people eat more meat and fish due to time crisis. I am just the opposite because I always like vegetables. More

Thank you so much for visiting this little block of mine.


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 2 years ago  

Nice choice of food, vegetables are good for the body

 2 years ago  

Yes.. thank you for reading my post

Vegetables are good for the body, they aid in boosting the vitamins and minerals in a person's body.
You must be very healthy and strong.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Same to you brother