in Hive Learners17 days ago

The first I think we should do is to know what cancel culture means. Cancel culture is a situation where by we withdraw our supports for celebrities in social media maybe because we think that they have done something wrong or said something wrong which we are not expecting from them. So, the point that we are looking at today is if it is a good thing for us to withdraw our supports and also convince others to do so. What is my take?


In this life every one has one weakness of the other. We can't deny the fact that we can flaw at a point in our lives. I believe that the major problem here is if the individual is ready to accept that he or she has made a mistake. If you check most of this social media influencer, celebrities and what have you, you will discover that they can hardly accept the fact that something was wrongly done by them. They always claim to be perfect. If you claim to be a god, then face the consequences of your actions and inactions. You can't claim to be a god and still make mistakes. We need to admit the fact that we are all humans. We can flaw at a point, if that happens, then we should be humble enough to do the needful. We can apologize and try fixing it up, rather than put the blame on others.

For me if any celebrity is able to do such, no need of withdrawing my support from such person knowing that I can also make my own mistake. But they won't accept it. Only a few of the celebrities can do such.

I believe that if I am following a celebrity, I should also know that they are humans. They can fault at a point. So, I don't need to be too hard on them. I should be able to put myself in their shoes. You know that the fact that every one is looking up to them can even make them fault. When others do the same mistake how do we take that? We accept it when others do so, why not accept a celebrity who has made a mistake in their life or carrier.


I was once in such situation and I felt very bad when some people started unfollowing me in the hive Blockchain. Some started ignoring my post, while some made some kind of statement that can break one. But I refused to be discouraged. I kept moving on and today I have overcome and still on the hive Blockchain. That someone made a mistake does not mean that it is the end of the world for him or her. We need to be able to give people a second chance so that they can become better in life. If we throw them away, then how can they change? If God can be patient with us, why not? Because of the love of God towards us, we are here today, not because we are good but because of his love and patient.

In summary, we are humans and we can do something very bad some day. We should be able to accept the fact that we are wrong and work towards a better change. While the society tok should learn to forgive and continue the journey of life. Knowing that no one is perfect except God.

This is my response to the hive learners community contest for week 116, edition 3 Cancel Culture.


@tipu curate 👍🏾

 17 days ago  

You have created a whole block on the cancellation of Sanskrit. I like it a lot. In fact, there are many values ​​between counterculture and culture. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing a beautiful blog with me

 17 days ago  

My dear cancel culture can ruin someone personality that is why i try to leave out of social media. Imagine you are not strong it could have ruined you.

 17 days ago  

No one is above mistake truly and when it has to do with calling people out online for their mistakes, it can be done more appropriately than tarnishing their image or reputation online.

The aftermath is always terrible for the victim and some even go as far as getting depressed.

 17 days ago  

Yeah. I have heard of people who died just because of that.

 17 days ago  

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

 17 days ago  

Your title says it, who gives us the power to be judge of others and take drastic actions against them, like you stated, it is better to correct with love, and hopefully the said personality changes

 17 days ago  

Cancel culture is very bad in most cases. If the celebrity's habit didn't pose danger to others, I don't see reason for cancel culture. The only exception that I have is when the habit poses danger to other. Habits like sexual abuse and the likes. Above all, we have do well by being our brother's keeper.