Meet the person of Amuchechukwu

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Meet Amuchechukwu the troublesome yet the only lovely girl in the family. I don't know how I got that special combination, but is really sweet to be around me. Maybe you will not understand because you have not met me before, but any day you come close to me, you will fall in love with everything about me, unless the troublesome part of me. Hahaha 😂. Don't mind me oh! I have outgrown that troublesome part of me, though the trace is still there. Of course you can't mess around with me and go free. Hahaha.

This image belongs to me.

Okay, let's get down to the business of the day. My real name is AMUCHECHUKWU, but because people find it difficult to pronounce it, they prefer calling me AMUCHE. the name was given by my mother. Like I said before, my father died before I was born. And before he died most of his children died of a strange disease. No one knows the name of the disease or even the course of the deadly disease. All that my mother told me was that they all died at a particular age. Once they start walking, then the sickness will strike , and just like that the child will just die. Seven before me died in that manner. And it seems to me according to the story that most of the children that died are boys. Few girls survived, but no boy survived the disease.


Amuchechukwu means that no one knows the mind of God. When I asked my mum why she gave me the name, she told me that all she needed was a male child. But they all died and only the girls survived. At the time she gave birth to me, she was already getting old which means that she was sopposed to be resting from child bearing. But she had to continue the race to see if she will be lucky to have a male child. She said that she don't have problem having only female children, but because of the culture of the Igbo people who will prefer a lame male child to a healthy female child. By the time she gave birth to me it turned out to be a female child instead of the male child she wanted. There and then she made up her mind not to trouble herself again by trying to become pregnant again. She said that no one knows the mind of God for giving her only female children. That was how my name came about. The name Amuche was given to me because she don't really know what God have in mind by giving her only female children.


The irony there is that I came as a girl, but with all the strength, trouble, ability and most things you can find in a male child. I was actually a consolation to her. All the other three girls were very calm, somehow full of fear. Maybe because they don't have a brother. But when I came on board. I don't care if you are a male or not. If you need trouble, the full package is there, if you need pace, I have it in abundance. Hahaha 😂. To be Frank, I really shook everywhere when I was a kid. My elder sister is always happy when I am around, because she knows that no one will come and do anyhow and go free. Sometimes I thank God for the way he made me. If I wasn't like that, my mother will not have a say, just because she don't have a male child. But if you remember that I am her child, you will better not come to make trouble with her. So, my presence was a very big relief for my family. I now understand why my mother gave me that name. No one knows the mind of God.


No, my name made me a celebrity in my family. I love the name so much that I would have wished to give one of my girls the name. But it will not work, because my kids name come as a result of prayers. God gave their names in the place of prayers even before they were born.

My second name is Gloria and I also love the name that I will not even change it, not for anything. My mother also gave me the name when I went for my baptism in the church. I never asked her why she gave me that name as my English name, but I love the name and don't want to change it for anything.

Thanks 👍 for coming around. This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 69, edition 3

 11 months ago  

What a strange sickness it is . Taking the lives of those wonderful to be souls. It's well, life happens but God knows better.

Amuchechukwu is a wonderful name. One of my sister-in-iaws bears that name. I got to know of the name Amuche from her. Gloria is a beautiful name too. God giving you the qualities of a man in woman form is wonderful. Hahaha.

Thanks alot for checking on me. I do appreciate.

 11 months ago  

My pleasure 😊.

 11 months ago  

Truly no one knows the mind of God, such a meaningful name. The culture down here in Africa is very strange. I wonder why parents consider male children over the females. Are they not all children? You know what you said really stroke me, like if they will prefer a lame male child than a healthy female child then it means there is a big problem.

Thanks to God for your coming, some people said children's gender can be manipulated by evil people nevertheless you came, whether as female or male, all we know is that a child is born and God has been faithful using you to fill the place of the male children. God will strengthen you ma

Sha I would love to experience that troublesome part of you though..

 11 months ago  

Our name is our identity, and we tend to always want to walk in accordance with it's meaning. Of a truth, the plans of God are usually not the same with that of man. Thanks for sharing and goodluck in this contest dear friend.