in Hive Learners25 days ago

Having kids is a big blessing and if not for how things have become too expensive today, I don't think that we should be talking about controlling the population in any country. I believe that even the country doing mean well for their citizens. Looking around you will see a lot of children in the street begging for food just because their parents can not take good care of them. So in this situation, if the government of a country decide on measures to use in other to stop punishing children, I don't think that it is a bad idea. But I still have my reservations.


When I was a kid I made a promise to myself that I will never have more than three kids, that is if I eventually have three kids. My reasons are because my parents gave birth to us and they could not take good care of my siblings and I. We were ten in number. Some died and some survived. Some of us that survived were all scattered across the nation all in the name of given us a better life. I was given to my aunt in Jos, plateau state. My elder sister was given to our uncle in Makurdi, Benue state. Then the rest were given into marriage even before the know the meaning of marriage. Like our first daughter got married at the age of twelve. She was still a small girl, but just because the family can not take care of all of us, she has to go and get married.

We my story if I had my way, I will have only two children and give them the best of everything that life can offer. I never went to school as a kid. I was denied that privileged because there was no money. I can allow my children go through the same thing.


So, I agree that the government should be able to control child birth on a way that is okay. I don't also buy the idea of legalizing of abortions just because we want to control child birth. I believe that there is a better way of doing it.

Presently, in my country there is no such laws that helps to control child birth. But I have had of other countries where measures are taking to make sure that there is child birth control. If we will have such law in Nigeria, it will help us reduce the number of children in the streets begging for food and no any formal education given to them. Because if every family should have just three kids, then everyone will be forced to take care of his children. You would not want anything to happen to them. You will try by all means to provide shelter, food, security and other necessary things that life demands.

Therefore I strongly suggest that any country that has that law in place should be given all the support by the parents so that no child will suffer in the name of - we have much children and we can not take care of them.

 25 days ago  

We need this law in Nigeria ooo because this outrage growing population is becoming unbearable.

 25 days ago  

I agree with you on the need to have birth control policy in Nigeria, many children are on the street begging and looking for what to eat and without proper education.

A regulation would help curb such from happening and make resources available for everyone.

Sadly, it's always the children who suffer these things. The children suffer for the lack their parents have. It's sad that people keep having children when they have no means to take care of them. We need a total restructuring of the entire thing!
