Backbenchers life/ Meme edition.

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. The amazing edition of creative Sunday is again with us and i didn't miss the opportunity to show you people my creativity with some funny memes. I don't know how much you people enjoy them but to be honest i myself laugh at them after making them. Haha. If you also want to participate in the creative Sunday just come and show us your creativity, don't forget to follow the guidelines..

Let's rock and roll

I don't know how many of you people have experienced the feeling of being a backbencher but i have in my college life. It is like you are a king of your own destiny in the end area of the class where there is no one coming to disturb you. Cr is afraid of you, teacher also avoids to come in that part because he/she also wants peace in the class 😂

It is the favourite hobby of backbenchers to do what teachers has forbidden from doing. Like i still remember we always used to bring a lot of snacks and drinks in the morning time when teacher was always there sometimes scolding, sometimes advising that please do not eat in the class. But who cares 🫨

If you people want to get successful in your college life just go and get some pieces of advice from a backbencher. They will give you a proper instruction on which is the best time to get yourself injured or when to make your grandparents ill... Because these all are the methods for avoiding school tests and other things.

Backbenchers always think they are the worst things in a class and that's why when there is some kind of oral quiz or written test in the class they always consider themselves failed. That's why whenever one of them gives a correct answer by chance the other fellows feel like they have conquered a whole state.

From all the above situations it is clear that a backbencher has no relation with studies or other school stuff. So it should be considered normal to see their weird faces when they are hit upon by some kind of marksheet or the paper sheet. I wasn't like that because i used to prepare for my exams (i was like enjoy whole year and study in the end type of student).

Well, that's all from my side.

This is my entry for the #creativesunday edition of HL community.


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Thanks to you sahi


Breaking news: a pygmy shaman is being pursued by the authorities
That's right be on the lookout for a small medium at large.

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 last month  

Thank you so much brother

A burger eats another burger meme is a strong one. Haha @ahmedhayat

 last month  


Yeah, it was hilarious