Something about hive learners/ meme edition.

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. Well, I wasn't fine in the past week because of my mid term exams and some other stuff. But I rarely miss the creative sunday edition so I tried my best to get some free time for my hive mates. Here I am with my new collection of memes which are gonna be unique and full of laughter for you people.

Let's rock and roll...

As you people are aware that hive learners hold a really strict policy for verification and nobody suspicious is going to get a verified stamp. I myself like this thing after seeing so much suspicious activities and accounts on hive. So if you decide to enter hive learners, just make sure that you are having a genuine personality. Otherwise dark knight is not only a knight by name but he also has abilities to catch you.

When you will enter the hive learners, you will see a smart person wandering here and there with his some creative and sometimes really interesting ideas to discuss. I took part in some and he really has skills to convince if you don't agree with him on the idea he brought. So here you go... Meet the amazing person gifted hands.

Oh and yes, don't forget about the basic rules which Bruno kema is reminding day and night (so, we only accept posts above five hundred words now .... Zzz 😴) oh, where was I . Oh yes, so he will hunt you down if you manage to fail applying the guidelines on your post. So, be really careful about that.

Prayzz is also really active with the announcement of creative sunday and if you are a part of the discord server you are never going to miss the creative Sunday edition because prayzz is best at reminding you. I myself have experienced this thing that no member can miss the creative Sunday reminder when prayzz is there.

Ah, the poor soul. I think this is the guy I feel really pity in the whole hive learners discord server. There is a roll dice gameplay which is really interesting and fun, I once took part and believe me guys I was stunned... The poor bot, just having !roll, !roll, !roll and replying to every command. I just wanted to give a salute 🫡.

And in the end there is a section where you can share your ideas if you feel creative. They not only host the weekly prompts but also give you a chance if you feel creative about the ideas of the prompt. People will vote and definitely if your idea is creative, your idea will get votes for the weekly prompts title. I once shared my idea and it got selected... What are you waiting for then...

Well, that's all from my side.

All images are generated from meme generator

This is my entry for the #creativesunday initiative by HL community.


 last month  

 last month  

Thanks to you @sahi1

I like the memes about posting less than 500 words. Hahaha, Guilty.

 last month  

Lol yeah. It is reminded again n again so that no one feels guilty.

Hahaha, it's my first time seeing the memes .. Thanks for the reminders. 🤣🤣

Nice memes.
Good effort bro.

 last month  

Thanks for liking it

 last month  

Excellent, very creative Memes.

 last month  

I am glad that you liked them

Your meme conveys a lot in 2 sentences. I like your memes. Even before that, I have visited your meme post once. @ahmedhayat

 last month  

Haha, thanks for understanding

 last month  

Lol that Bruno kema meme is hilarious. I think he is coming to detect you 😂

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 last month  

Lol, that's why I have tried my best to keep the word count above 500 words.

 last month  

Memes super funny 🤣🤣😂😂

 last month  

Lol yeah

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I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to stop going to those places.

Credit: benthomaswwd
@ahmedhayat, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of memehive
