Beauty of Creativity: Vector Art 38th.

in Hive Learners3 years ago


Good night to everyone.Before sleeping i wanna to share my new art creativity content that i have completed at some minute ago. It is the art of girl. It is my 38th post of art series. I use one by one canvas to make this art and work on different layer to make the final touch. now i am going to share the step by step process image that i took during my art session. The biggest benefit to work on different layer is that we can change or delete any part of art by just select that layer. In this art i used 3 4 four type of colours. I am not working to add texture on his post bcz it is the very very difficult step.Like my art and i am thankful to all for giving the time on my post.






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Moderator of Pakistan.

 3 years ago  

Your digital work always amazes me, thank you for sharing

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