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RE: Gone Never To Be Seen Again

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I have also learnt this lesson hard bro. Now I follow a simple strategy. I don't ask for money and also don't lend to anyone. People feel bad when I say no but this feeling is better than I am feeling sorry. Many people played pity cards with me and I lost a few thousand $$ now I don't trust anyone when it comes money. Also now because I said to a few people so they are not in touch with me anymore. But it's fine.
Sad that you're going through this but learn a lesson and move. We can't expect people to be responsible. Mostly are not and it's a bitter truth.

 2 months ago  

woah alok you didn't ask or lend O.O. Wow didn't expect you would lose thousands . This is real life or in crypto that you gave them the thousands. Oh this was maybe a year or two ago. I have moved on though but still :( I guess it'll be hard to lend money unless its maybe family member or really close friend

Both bro. Crypto and real life too.
In crypto I trusted someone but he cheated me. Also in real life many people did the same.
I think it's necessary to learn from mistakes and I learnt.
Many people in real life stopped talking to me because of money. It feels bad that my relations is gone and money also. Better say no upfront so that I can at least save my money.
I am not rich but I manage my expense with my income and this is why I never ask money from anyone unless something really critical

 2 months ago  

O.O owh that hurts. good thing i never asked you for money :'). hopefully when splinterlands get better tho yall can hlep me upgrade the guild tho O.O.

it's all good tho i prob wont trust too many people with money anymore. There's probably only one that I would since he trusted me with his money o.o