An Exotic place I would love to visit

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I have a dream of flying in the air with my hands wide opened while the cool breeze be touching my body tenderly and the rising sun be in front of my eyes spreading the hues of colors on the sky,; and all this be happening with my partner standing behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

Is there any place that can make my dream come true? 🤔. Yes, there is a place called Cappadocia (a city of Turkey) that can give me the very experience I dream for. Cappadocia is famous for its hot air balloons travel. Floating above the historical caves while the sunshine giving them the appearance of gold would be so fascinating an experience.

Flying in the hot air balloons of Cappadocia is the first reason for which I would love to visit the place. Nevertheless , it is not the last. There are many other reasons that raise my desire and curiosity to see the place in real.
Cappadocia is a combo of man's and nature's architectural aesthetics. Nature provided the stones, rocks and caves of different types and shapes while man utilized them to construct well-organized houses in it. I would like to touch those rocks and appreciate its beauty.

Not only the caves are carved well but we can see all the present day facilities in the cave houses.

Some of them are modified to become hotels. I would love to spend the nights in this combo of old and modern times. It would be so different an experience accurately fitting at the definition of “exotic.”

Just like the sunrise, the sunset of Cappadocia is also famous, especially at the red valley where the stones turn red at the time of sun set. Such an amazing view of nature where the stones appear like frozen lava would be breathtaking.

In Cappadocia, there is a valley named as “Love valley”. The reason for its name is the shape of rocks there. They take after the shape of penis. It is one of the most unique tourist attraction of the city.

Cappadocia is amazing with regard to the shapes and structure of rocks. There is another valley where the shapes of rocks resemble the shapes of various animals. It is named as Devrent Valley.

Another exotically amazing entity found in Cappadocia are fairy chimneys. Often a rock settles above chimney balancing it self against storms and winds. Here the rocks settle over one another with spaces in between in a way that it gives the place an appearance of multi-floor building

Cappadocia is not completely a place of sand, stones and rocks, but it also carries a green and wet land within it. That part of land is called Ihlara Valley. I would love to sit beside the Ihlara river dipping my legs in the water and enjoying the eternal peace of the nature

The beauty and amazement of Cappadocia do not end here. The place has a lot more to offer such as its open air museums, carpet caves, camel and horse riding, castle and many other valleys. The long story cut short, Cappadocia is a place keeping in it a whole lot of wonderful and epic features. It a place that would increase my love for nature's amazingness . Above all, it would give me a long desired romantic flight with my partner in a hot air balloon.


This is my response to the Hive learner Community's latest featured post edition.


Image by desfosse
Image by vriorc54
Image by SashSegal
Image by ArtTower
Image by Atti69
Image by LoggaWiggler
Image by flaviospugna
Image by murattali

 2 years ago  

I have a dream of flying in the air with my hands wide opened while the cool breeze be touching my body tenderly and the rising sun be in front of my eyes spreading the hues of colors on the sky,; and all this be happening with my partner standing behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

This sounds ao funny and calling at the same time

Wow, Cappadocia is really a beautiful place to visit, if not you said you wish for your love to go with you I would have offered to help carry your bags because of how beautiful it looks

Thank you for sharing and arousing my tourist spirit

 2 years ago  

This sounds ao funny and calling at the same time

Hehehe. 😂

I would have offered to help carry your bags because of how beautiful it looks

Awwwww. So sweet of you 😍

Thanks for stopping by @hivedeb

 2 years ago  

Thanks ma'am

 2 years ago  

Honestly, your post made me see that there are more places for me to know. I have never heard of a place called Cappadocia before. Your desire to travel in a hot-air balloon is kinda somehow but I believe it will be worth it. @amberkashif I think I love this place of yours, it has with it historical, natural and fascinating features.

 2 years ago  

This world is full of wonders and beauty. No matter how much you already know there is something more to explore. I am sure you would love this place too

Thanks for stopping by @temibot

I imagine that within that city there's a beautiful waterfall because that little stream has to flow from somewhere. Also, these carved rocks almost look man-made. It's incredible to imagine that nature formed this all by itself.

It reminds me of the Riyom rock formation at Plateau, Nigeria. They really take your breath away.

 2 years ago  

I am not sure about the waterfall withyounn the city. The water is Ihlara river.

incredible to imagine that nature formed this all by itself

Certainly, that's incredible. Nature is quite amazing. It keeps on demonstrating wonders one after the other.

reminds me of the Riyom rock formation at Plateau, Nigeria.

I would like to see this place some day ❤

Thanks for stopping by @young-boss-karin 🌷

hello again @amberkashif!

this post is really cool and just like what I said in my first comment, i really love to visit cappodacia too! how are you doing? hope everything is well with you. Just want to check if you already give yourself that 20 minustes quiet time. you know just to have a break and breathe :) And don't forget the workout and water intake too, our body needs its and its good for our brain too. have a nice day amber!!!

 2 years ago  

Hi sweetheart @eylz619 . How are you doing? First, let me ask you the pardon for being unable to check on you. I kept on thinking of you, (Did you feel I was missing you 😘) but didn't get time.

Seriously, I didn't know that quiet time is increased to 20 minutes. Oh! So absent minded I have been these days. 😐 Thanks for such a comprehensive reminder.

Are you hitting your goals ? Am I going to see my partner with gold stars 😍

hi partner!!! one of my greatest dream is to ride that air balloon in Cappodocia too! ❤️

How are you doing this week? up for that gold stars? let's start it with taking our water religiously and do that stretching? game?

What an awesome place to goto in your hot air balloon and I hope that you get there one day Amber!

I am visiting you this evening as part of my Terrific Tuesday Dreemport Weekly Challenge Encouragement program. How are you getting on, are you helping your partner and did you exercise today, don't forget the increased targets? Wishing you are having or have had a Terrific Tuesday Ed😁

 2 years ago  

my Terrific Tuesday Dreemport Weekly Challenge Encouragement program.

This man is.. ..... seriously ❤. 😄😂

I am not doing work outs any more. I am fasting. Here the fast is more than 14 hours these days, so I don't want to fall somewhere due to lack of water that's why I have stopped exercising 😊

Wishing you are having or have had a Terrific Tuesday Ed😁

I was having a traffic tuesday 😆. There was traffic of mess around. I was cleaning my shelves and kitchen. And there is another traffic. That's of ants. They have invaded every corner of the house 😲. And another traffic....! Traffic of thoughts, one after the other. So overall it was a trafficful Tuesday 😂.

How about you? How is your love going with Archie? Or is that Sammy again trying to steal your stars?

I was having a traffic tuesday

haha your words! They crack me up 🤣

Oh yes, take care in Ramadan, don't want you overdoing things!

The ants can be a pain in the butt haha I have lived in enough hot countries to know that🤣🤣🤣
Enjoy your Wednesday🙏

 2 years ago  

The ants can be a pain in the butt

LMAO 😂😂😂.

Ants become so irritating at times. They were on my bed too 😲

I think you would receive a bucket of gold stars this week with the level of encouragement you are providing here

They were on my bed too

oh no 😮

I think you would receive a bucket of gold stars

Yes 4/4 so far I have got mine for today already, I started early and drank a heap of water

Visiting Capodocia will really be nice indeed. Although I will also be very much interested in taking a ride in that hot air ballon.
I have always wanted to try that out.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Hot air balloon would be an experience worth taking, wouldn't it?

Thanks for stopping by @bruno-kema

 2 years ago  

if the beauty is like this I'm sure everyone will also like this place.

 2 years ago  

You sure love nature and I love it too. You make me want to visit Cappadocia too.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by @joydukeson

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Wow! This is an amazing place. This is a real beauty. Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by 🌷

 2 years ago  

Amazing! Cappadocia is really a nice place.
More like a nature tourist center
I'll love to be in Cappadocia someday too!

 2 years ago  

Cappadocia is really a place worth visiting.

Thanks for stopping by @niglys

 2 years ago  

You're welcome🤗

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

kappadocia restaurant in Nigeria

Wow. Perhaps the owner was inspired from the city.

Thanks for stopping by @katirayo

 2 years ago  

Nature lovers do not want to skip any amazement of nature, do they ?

Thanks for stopping by @martinlazizi