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RE: Hard Work has always paid off rather than Luck

in Hive Learners7 months ago

Luck is when opportunity is given without any effort and hard work is the result of patience and potential

I will add a point to it. Luck beings the opportunity and the hard work make this opportunity fruitful. Suppose you are not ready to avail the opportunity you got by luck and you keep on being at the same place where you are without striving for the progress then who is to blame? The luck or the hard work?

I agree with the point of skills. Everyone isn't born to do everything. If we strive in the area we have got innate talents for, the progress goes farther

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 7 months ago  

I would never blame anything for my failure even if I am stuck there forever and I would just accept the fact that everything is not for everyone. There are many stuck behind me and they would blame me for being stuck because of my rising they are not getting opportunities that's what they say and I think it's because they are not trying that hard. They just seem to believe that I got lucky.