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RE: Pages of Passion: Crafting Reality without the Web

in Hive Learners6 months ago

You mean no internet here?

Certainly, I meant there was no internet facility. Thanks for grabbing the typo. Lemme edit the post.

At my time, internet and printing wasn't that scarce a thing. However, everyone didn't have the access as it is these days. Moreover, it was expensive.

Computing and apps have made the work easier and a lot faster but I feel like it has snatched a level of satisfaction and gratification that we would get after doing them with hands. What's your opinion.

It's a pleasure to see you on my post. Much !LUV


Totally agree. The satisfaction of making.

But, in all honesty, with the textile design, it was such a relief to go digital!!! I mean... one slip on the acetate paper, and we'd sometimes have to start over.

It's just not productive.

Also... we were the first manufacturer who offered as many colorations of a design as a retailer wanted. I could create a new colourway in minutes!

Totally blew the competition out of the water and our sales increased 60% in six months.

So I guess it depends then. On the reason and arena?

If it simplifies tasks and takes pressure off humans awesome.

If it destroys creativity then hmmm.

p.s. I think only good textile designers could translate the painting techniques in digital format for rotary printing by the way. So, to be good at it, you kinda had to know more than just Photoshop. You had to know how to paint by hand first. If that makes sense?

 6 months ago  

Hmmmm. I haven’t done anything in textile designing so no idea. As you have explained it makes perfect sense how going digital is a blessing.

In general I just feel that availablilty of digital tools hampers the creativity for many of us, if not for all.

I hear you.

I think maybe because we forgot our skills or people don't have to learn them so much anymore.


I know my drawing and painting abilities have declined/been forgotten since I started to create digitally. So I'd agree with you, yes.

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