My child's favorite vegetables when stir-fried

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi hive friends, how are you on this beautiful and happy afternoon, hopefully wherever you are in good health and in his protection, hopefully today's activities will also go according to plan, amen...hopefully too tonight, because it's also almost night, I hope tonight is a lot of fun, see you again @aminah01


On this occasion I want to share with all of my friends that I cook long bean vegetables, which at first I also cooked by slicing it but this time I cooked it by cutting it and I added the tempeh.



After picking the long beans in my own garden, I took them home, after arriving home I took the basin and the knife for a place where I could cut the long beans and tempeh, after I cut them into pieces and washed them thoroughly.


Then I also prepare the ingredients for cooking or the seasoning, the ingredients include cooking oil, onion, green chilies, tomatoes because they are stir-fried using Coco added Coco, after the ingredients are ready, then I put the pot on top stove and I pour a little oil and then I turn on the stove, when the oil is hot I just fry the spices I mentioned above which I have sliced ​​below



If the seasoning is moist, then I pour in the long beans and tempeh, then I close it for a while so that the vegetables can cook evenly and enter the seasoning, so that when I eat it tastes good and feels good in my mouth, after I closed it for a while then I opened it again and give a little salt and flavoring, namely raiko.


After I went back and forth until evenly distributed and waited a few more moments then I tasted it was cooked or not, after I tasted it turned out to be cooked then I poured it into a plate, ready to be served by my family.



That's all from me, if there are words I don't remember in my heart and the picture is not clear, I apologize profusely greetings @aminah01

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