Noodles are a food that I and my family never get tired of eating

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Evening all friends #hivelearner, how are you guys on this cool and cold night, hopefully wherever you are in good condition and in His protection, hopefully the activities have gone according to his wishes amen... Hopefully also a very happy night, meet again with @aminah01



On this evening or on this occasion I want to share with all my hive friends that I am a noodle lover or a noodle enthusiast, why do I say that because I don't get tired of eating it, I don't cook at home and tell my husband to buy it sometimes -Sometimes I cook at home like before, I just finished eating the noodles, but tonight I'm cooking small noodles or Hun noodles.


Because where I am now again
it was raining, last night it was raining tonight it was raining, last night it was raining, we were relaxing, suddenly the stomach became hungry, didn't want to eat rice but was hungry for other things, then I said to my husband, it's like I want to eat something, my husband said what do you want to eat? with a smile 😊 I replied that it was raining, it was delicious to eat fried noodles, then my husband didn't say no but immediately went to buy the noodles which had been fried there, because even if it was fried at home the ingredients were no, maybe lazy too because we don't have a refrigerator, if there is a refrigerator because I love noodles so we store the noodle ingredients in the refrigerator early, so when we want to make noodles, there are ingredients right away, but we don't love it have a refrigerator😄😄😄

After a while my husband left, then he came home and brought his noodles, even though there was an umbrella my husband was also a little wet so I told him to change his clothes first with dry clothes so that he would be comfortable when eating the noodles, my husband went to change clothes and I also took some pictures of the noodles to be able to share them with all of my hive friends, if we make the noodles in kede, it must be complete inside, crackers, cucumbers, fried onions, and the sauce too, last night even though it was raining it made water syrup using ice again, that's what my son wanted.






And tonight it's also raining because it's been raining since last afternoon, because my husband also wants to make noodles tonight, so the ingredients were bought earlier this afternoon or prepared, so I can easily make them when it's ready. there are ingredients, then after sunset, I immediately cooked the noodles, the ingredients are:

  • Small noodles
  • Toge
  • Kol
  • Oil
  • Shallot
  • Leaf soup and
  • spices that have been ground in kede

I cook it this way:

  1. soak small noodles
  2. then filter the noodles until the water
    runs out
  3. slice the cabbage mixed with
  4. red onions are also slicedthe
  5. soup leaves are also cut into pieces

Then I put the pan and pour the oil, after the oil heats up a little I just fry the onions and I pour the spices that have been ground into the kede that my husband bought earlier, then I give a little water and pour the cabbage and bean sprouts, after the vegetables are cooked new I pour in the small noodles that I have soaked and filtered earlier, then I give salt, soy sauce and a little flavoring, namely raiko with me back and forth so that it can be evenly distributed and finally I just give the soup leaves so that there is an aroma too, after I return -go back and wait a while before I taste it is cooked or not, finally it is ready to be served by my family, Alhamdulillah the taste is very good and feels in the mouth, this has just finished eating, eating delicious noodles makes the stomach full I hope you all like it too



That's all from me more and less I apologize profusely maybe what I'm talking about or the picture is not clear greetings @aminah01

Model camerahotwav
 2 years ago  

Noodles is a top class meal when prepared deliciously just like I can see here...Try and send a plate.

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