MY LOVE || Weekly Featured Contents (Week 04:- Edition 02) || ''FOR LOVE''

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Love is a very sacred thing and we all need a loving person. Because no human can ever live alone. Every one of us has a love story and some people tell this story to others and some people hide this story in themselves. Some of them get love success and some people don't get love success. I don't know if my own love will succeed but I will try to make my love succeed. I still love that girl a lot and I've talked to her a few times on Facebook Messenger. Today I will tell you my love story.



I will not say the name of the girl I love but she is very beautiful to look at. The girl's house is a little far from my house and I occasionally stand in front of her house. The girl is studying and has no brother but has a younger sister. Her father runs a business and they are very rich.



I first saw this girl in my college and I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Then I find out his Facebook ID and send a friend request. She accepts my friend request and I start chatting with her. I offered love but she did not accept. She wants to marry a boy who has a government job. His family also was looking for a boy with a government job and would marry his to a boy with a government job. The girl is not married yet and her family is still looking for a boy with a government job.

All those things I can do for love



I love that girl a lot and I am ready to do a lot for her. But I will get that girl only when I get a government job. So now my main desire is to get a government job. I have passed Honors in National University and i am looking for a government job. I am working hard to get a government job. All I am doing to get a government job is to get that girl and I am ready to do anything to get her.

All those things I can't do for that girl



I can do a lot for her but I will never leave my family for that girl. I love my mom and dad very much. There are many girls now who do not want to be with their mother-in-law. So if that girl ever told me to leave my family, I would never do it.

This was the first love story of my life and you all pray for me that I may succeed in my first love and marry that girl

10% Beneficiaries To @lazy-panda

 2 years ago  

I remember a movie I watched when a girl told his boyfriend to choose between her and his mother.

I see no reason a relationship have to depend on choosing someone over another.

Nice post

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much my dear for your opinion

The beef between girls and their mother-in-laws is as old as the institution of marriage itself. We can only learn to live with it.
Thank you for sharing.

10% Beneficiaries To @lazy-panda

You don't have to keep mentioning this in your posts though. We know those that set it.

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for your advice and next time I not mention it

 2 years ago  

if i were the director i would definitely make this story as a film 😁👌

 2 years ago  

I pray for you that you may be a director in the future

 2 years ago  

Thank you 😅

 2 years ago  

But I will get that girl only when I get a government job.

it's a big struggle for you to get that girl but I'm sure if you both love even though you don't have a job there will definitely be a way out

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for your opinion

 2 years ago  

He is gone deeply in love, there is no coming back from this😭😭

 2 years ago  
