As a president for 24 hours

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Been the president of the federal republic of Nigeria for a day (24hours) Hmmm....
Well I didn't quickly jump at my pen this is because it's a very technical task that come with a very huge responsibility. of course i had to look at it from the perspective of reality because it has been happening.
In Abia state where am from



Master Nicholas Ogunj

became the governor of the state for 24 hours under the tenor of governor Okezie Ikpeazu.
So we see it's a very possible article that's why am seeing it from the perspective of reality.

  • first we must understand my country Nigeria is under shackles and must not expect a tremendous change over night fact so first thing first we must apply scale of preference this simple means a list of unsatisfied wants arranged in order of thier relative important.
    What am trying to make clear is every need is important but we must identify the most important of them all.
    Which I have carefully done been a citizen and understanding the problem from the grass root.

  • 1st thing first I will deal with the issue of hunger we must understand that this is the most paramount need that can not be over looked despite numerous problem surrounding the nation
    How this major problem can be tackled
    We all understand the predicament and the present situation of thing in the country well we also understand the disadvantages it has caused. This has become a great advantage to most people because of thier selfish interest for example scarcity of petroleum has made almost all if not all the transporters increase tremendously cost of transportation this has affected grass root Nigerians because the price control agentcies are not doing the job the are getting paid for.
    Am sure we are all conversant with the riddle that says what goes up and never comes down well the answer is the prices of products in Nigeria.
    This major issue has affect the prices of food stuff making grass roots Nigeria hungry because the cannot afford to purchase this inflated products so as the president of the federal republic of Nigeria I will tackle the challenges surrounding price control and I will also assist grass roots farmers with the necessary equipments to help thier productions.

  • secondly I will tackle unemployment most especially in the youth this is because youth are the pride of the nation and the are very porous to committing crime am sure we all are conversant with this very popular African adage that say an idol man is the devils workshop.
    How this issue of unemployment will be tackled first I will as a president make do of what I have i will make every abandoned refineries the federal government properties in so doing even if my 24 hours elapse there will be no excuse for not reviving it. Once this is done it will take out million of youth from the street and this will reduce the level of crime in the country and also boost the economy of the nation.

-Thirdly I will strengthen the security of the nation to make the country conducive for foreign and local investors to build a healthy economy.

Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago  

Good job, if your purpose like that, i will choose you as president. 👍

 2 years ago  

Awwww lol thanks bro

 2 years ago  

You're welcome dude

Hunger, unemployment and insecurities are interwoven. They are like the chicken and egg situation. One is the consequence of the other and the cycle goes on.
It will require an intentional leader to enact the changes needed to see the country grow.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

The truth is that I really liked your post, it is very intelligent the way you developed it. It made me know more about your country and its main problems, although many are common in too many other countries, unfortunately I also agree with you on how difficult the president is and that a problem has a series of other situations that must also be resolved. But if you allow me I will give you a little advice. Take a good look at your post before publishing it, in the preview, so you will notice some visual details that you can correct before publishing it. That will make your post more attractive 😉 and will motivate reading more.

 2 years ago  

Thank you noted

 2 years ago  

Alot of damaging problems in the country and they are all related to each is very crazy to see how much we have fallen off
But Mr President I trust that you three points agenda would save the country and promote growth....

 2 years ago  

It's interesting to know about that young boy. I hope he changed the road to his village though.

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 2 years ago  

Omo, the starvation is just too much I will be very happy if that issue is resolved.

 2 years ago  

Just vote me as the next president

 2 years ago  

Okay I will

 2 years ago  


Hunger, unemployment, insecurity, these are important things that must be achieved.