" For Love " From Me [ Week 04 - Issue 02 ]

in Hive Learners2 years ago


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This week's theme really surprised me, at first I was hesitant to write anything poetic here, but considering the love story I've lived so far, why don't I try to come up with a few good words for this. In my opinion Love is a feeling that exists within a person that is not form but is expressed by actions, and the heart that moves it. Love can make someone who lives it crazy but sometimes it is love that makes someone's life more colorful.

Falling in love is hard, but if it's right on target, it will feel easier. To talk about falling in love, sometimes makes me feel embarrassed to decipher it. I am the type of man who doesn't fall in love easily, and even I am someone who is closed to anyone, I know, one of you here must have experienced the same thing as me.

Writing this article is a funny thing in my opinion, not because love is a joke, but because I am in love with someone. Yes, you all know that love can also make someone smile to themselves like me today.


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A little story about me, I have a special woman in my heart, she is a simple woman, serious and firm.

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We've been in a relationship for a long time, but I'm not the type of person who likes to publicize his partner and neither does he. She is a person who has always motivated me to become a better person all this time, not only that, she also made me start to know that a woman's changing emotions have made me learn a lot to be a patient person. Not only me, I also know a patient woman is the one who is able to learn to be patient with all my shortcomings, this stubborn man, yet this is love with attitude and sincerity will surely unite.

Things I can do with love.

I am the type of man who can't be romantic for anyone, but because of the power of love, I do it, even though my romantic attitude only gives humorous words or sweet words for couples. I am also a person who is closed with problems, but in relationships I want everything to be open, because in my opinion a good relationship is a relationship that is not hidden from one another.

How far do I want to step

A serious relationship, and based on love, must aim for a certainty, namely the marriage bond, I know I still can't do it, but I believe in God's miracle uniting the power of our love, I firmly believe that.


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We have a dream to get married next year, instead of his real dream, this is my dream from long ago, which I secretly harbored into a real determination.After marriage I will make the family into a happy family. I will also plan to build a big house and a big yard, where the house will be a place to live for me, my children and my grandchildren until the ages separate.


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Things I would never do

The worst thing I don't want to do is change the color of someone's life, in the sense that I don't want to hurt the people I love, for example having an affair, whatever the reason, it's a very cruel thing in my opinion. For me a good person will have no reason to make his love hurt by himself.

Well, that's it, friends, a little about my life about love, I hope you like my article. Don't forget to take care of your health, friends. greetings from Indonesia @arasiko.

See you in the next contest post.

 2 years ago  

Wow, this is beautiful. You found someone that made you took love more seriously, that's impressive. Make sure to keep holding her no matter what, I'm sure it's going to worth it.

 2 years ago  

yes that's right mate. Thank you for reading and visiting :)

 2 years ago  

Great to see that you found love and you have a more better view about it

 2 years ago  

Thank you my brother :)

 2 years ago  

You make a good write and you explain your opinion so detail.
Very nice post buddy. 👍

 2 years ago  

Yes friend, Thank you for reading and visiting this post :)

 2 years ago  

Nice post, Glad to know how beautiful you have planned you family, you you will take care of them and the rest.

Love is a beautiful thing

 2 years ago  

yes sister, taking care of the family is the responsibility of a father. Thank you sister for reading and giving good comments :)

 2 years ago  

We have a dream to get married next year

Do invite me for the wedding, hahaha.

A nice write-up

 2 years ago  

hahaha, I will definitely invite you my brother. Thank you for your visit :)

 2 years ago  

Wow amazing one, you sure do have a lot you can do for love and very few you can't do... Love is beautiful reading from you.

 2 years ago  

yes, thank you sister for enjoying and visiting this post :)

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You have a good dream, brother.
It is good to see that despite all that is happening in the world, people are still able to find happiness with each other.
Be sure to let us all know when you do get married, and I wish you both a happy married life in advance.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

okay chairman, if I get married later, I will tell everyone in this beloved community, this community has become part of my family. Thank you chairman for visiting and good comments :)