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RE: Transportation problems in Pakistan | پاکستان میں ٹرانسپورٹیشن کے مسائل

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Some people also harrass women in public transportation taking advantage of them being alone. This is a harsh reality and people don't accept it. Women hide it from their people so that they don't get the tag of being a bad woman. And also for their career's sake. They live in the fear that what if their parents stop letting them go out for pursuing their career's so they hide it from their parents. But a constant fear of harassers and being harassed is something very alarming.

 2 months ago  

About 2 months ago, I witnessed a case of physical harassment, which was a positive thing as the girl's mother understood her daughter's concern and reprimanded the driver. The lady also filed a complaint at the police station. This incident highlights the importance of education. Victims shouldn't feel ashamed to speak up. If people genuinely use the #metoo hashtag, many boys and girls in Pakistan will come forward. The tragic part is that these victims are often very young. And when it's time to teach about good touch and bad touch, people don't support it.