The Charm of the Beauty of Plants in the Home Yard

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hi friends, wherever you are, I hope you are always in good health and always successful and smooth in all your affairs, meet me again @arul01 here, on this occasion I am back to sharing in this amazing community Hive Learners.

This time I will show you one of the beauty of flowers, the flowers that I share are flowers that are in front of my yard, last year my mother planted it and this is the first time I saw this flower blooming so much, its beauty made me interested to take some pictures using my smartphone.


When talking about flowers, they are already famous for their beauty, almost everyone likes flowers and almost everyone also makes flowers as ornamental plants in their yard, the presence of this yellow flower in front of my yard makes the page more lively and fresh, at a glance this flower almost resembling a Wedelia flower, the color is yellow and the shape is almost like a sunflower, but I don't know for sure whether this flower is called a Wedelia flower, if any of you know please comment.



This red ornamental plant is also in front of my yard, this plant is commonly known as the red criminil plant, this one plant is also no less interesting, its bright color displays a more beautiful surrounding atmosphere and attracts the attention of anyone who sees it, myself also really like this one plant.






That's all I can share for this opportunity, what do you think about the beauty of the two plants that I share, I hope you leave suggestions in the comments column so that in the future I can share better, thank you to all of you who always support me.

Best Regards @arul01


You show photography flowers that are very beautiful.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much @jasonmunapasee

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